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Your fame doesn't have to end after 15 seconds. And it might just begin by tuning in to this.

Monday 9th October 2023
17:30 - 18:00
Online event
Register now

This short session on Microsoft Teams, from 5:30pm - 6:00pm, explains how you can build a successful career in the performing arts, perhaps on stage or on screen.  

It introduces the wide range of jobs available from acting in theatre, for film and television or voice over, mocap, the gaming industry or on cruise ships.

We will also talk about other aspects of the entertainment industry or teaching and post graduate study which is an area many of our graduates go on to. We look forward to telling you what our recent graduates are doing now and how to get started in this amazing industry.

On Wednesday 11 October you can also tune in for our 'Building a successful career in Music Production and Performance' online session at 5:30pm. That online session and our 'Get Ready For Uni' ones can be booked on our events webpage. 

If you have any questions about this webinar, please email

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