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Solent Unviersity Southampton logo

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Our governance and organisation

Overseen by the Board of Governors and managed by Vice-Chancellor, Professor James Knowles, Solent University is organised into six academic departments, one school, and a range of supporting professional services.

The ceremonial head of the University is our Chancellor, Theo Paphitis.


The Chancellor
Theo Paphitis

The Board of Governors
The Board of Governors determines the strategic direction of the University.

The Vice-Chancellor
The Vice-Chancellor is the executive head of the University. He is supported by the members of the Vice-Chancellor’s Group (VCG).

The Vice-Chancellor's Group
The Vice-Chancellor's Group are responsible for the day-to-day running of the University.

To contact the Vice-Chancellor or any member of the Vice-Chancellor's Group, in the first instance please email the Vice-Chancellor's Office executive officer, Donna Allen by email:

Organisation and structure

The University is organised into departments and schools, and a range of professional services.

Our structure