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This lecture discusses research about the aspirations of female entrepreneurs to grow their businesses and the barriers that hinder them.

Thursday 12th May 2022
18:00 - 19:00
Book your space

Female entrepreneurs play an important role in economic development due to their contribution in employment creation and economic growth. The number of female entrepreneurs and the size of their businesses would be imperative in making this contribution, with the belief the bigger the number of female entrepreneurs and the bigger their businesses would increase their contribution to the economy.

This research aims to investigate the aspiration of female entrepreneurs to grow their business and the barriers that hinder them to grow their business.


Dr Whysnianti Basuki, Associate Professor in Business and Doctoral Coordinator for Business and Law, will be delivering a talk on ‘Female entrepreneurs and the barriers that hinder their business growth' on Thursday 12 May at 6pm.

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  • Online event