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You are studying a psychology programme

  • Use the online application process through Solent Online Learning, as specified by your course tutors.
  • If you have a question about the process, you can contact the Chair of the Psychology Ethics Standing Panel, Dr Rhodri Davies,, RM128.

You are studying a health, exercise or sport science programme

  • Use the online application process through Solent Online Learning as specified by your course tutors.
  • If you have a question about the process, you can contact the Chair of the HESS Standing Panel, Scott Burnet,, RM213

You are studying a programme which is neither of the above

  • Use the online application form and use your University log in to apply to the General Ethics Standing Panel in your School. 

Select from: 

  • Department of Art and Music

  • Department of Business and Law

  • Department of Film and Media
  • Department of Science and Engineering
  • Department of Social Sciences and Nursing
  • Department of Sport and Health

  • Warsash Maritime School

Do not select a School headed ‘No longer in use‘ as this will mean your application cannot be processed. 

  • If you have a question about the process you can contact the administrator of the GES Standing Panel at  

  • If your project brief specifies you make an application as part of your assessment. 

  • If your tutor / course team / supervisor advise it 

  • See also the criteria outlined in the ethics release checklist and the University Ethics Policy 

See the University Research Ethics Policy 

You should always discuss your proposed project with your course team before you make an application. 

  • Your supervisor will normally respond to your ethics application within five working days 

  • If your application requires review by an ethics standing panel, this will normally take another ten working days after your supervisor has reviewed it. 

  • An incomplete application. 

  • An application for a project which has not been first discussed with the named supervisor. 

  • An application which is declined by the supervisor or review panel. (You may be asked to resubmit with additional information). 

  • An application where the wrong supervisor or school has been named. 

Always check with your course team which member of staff you should name as your supervisor on your ethics application. 

You will receive emails to your Solent University email account whenever your application has been reviewed by your supervisor or by the ethics standing panel. 

No. If you start any part of your project which is subject to ethical review before receiving approval you would be in breach of the ethical approval process and could face disciplinary action under the Student Academic Misconduct. 

Student Academic Misconduct procedure 

  1. Inform your supervisor by email, copying in saying you are withdrawing that application.
  2. Submit a new application.
You can submit sample consent forms, draft participant information sheets, or other supporting documents. Documents should be forwarded as email attachments to with a request to have them added to your application. 
  • When you fill in the application form you will be asked to respond to a checklist of questions. 

  • If your response to all the questions is ‘No’, or if you respond ‘Yes’ to question one, but ‘No’ to all the related sub-questions, your application is eligible for self-certification. 

  •  Self-certification means that once your supervisor has approved your checklist, you may begin your project. Self-certification is not complete until your supervisor has reviewed the checklist and you have received their response. 

  • If you answer ‘Yes’ to any of the questions on the checklist, or ‘Yes’ to question one and ‘Yes’ to at least one of the related sub-questions, this will automatically convert your application to a request for full ethical review from an ethics standing panel

  • To complete a request for full ethical approval you must fill in any additional sections on the form with all relevant detail. 

  • If you are not sure what to include in the application, you should consult your supervisor / course tutor. 

  • When the application has been approved by both your supervisor and the ethics standing panel you may begin your project. 

You may be given the opportunity to resubmit your application, responding to any comments made by your supervisor or the deputy chair of the panel. 

If you have any questions about how to respond to any comments, you should consult your supervisor before reapplying. 

Your approval may come with comments or conditions. 

  • A ‘comment’ is something the panel want you to consider when undertaking your project, but you can start your project. 

  • A ‘condition’ is something you must do. You must demonstrate to your supervisor how you will meet any ‘condition(s)’ set by the panel before you start your project. 

Yes. You can download the approved application as a PDF for printing. 
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