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Why study BA (Hons) Animation transcript

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Montage of various animation clips playing from stop motion to cartoon animation. Upbeat music plays in background.
Pretty much everything you see on the screen now whether it's on your phone or on tv or in the cinema contains animation so it's an expanding industry and the pandemic has really highlighted just how flexible the industry is and you know it coped and exploded because all of the onset live action stuff had to take a bit of a back seat whereas the animation was able to really flourish so it's a huge industry and it's just growing.
Course Leader for BA (Hons) Animation, Adam Comiski is sat in the animation studio's at Solent University.
Probably the best thing about the course is just the staff they've been really helpful from first year all the way to the third if I've ever got like an issue especially in first year
Student of BA (Hons) Animation, Jack Lanigan is sat in the animation studio's at Solent University.
I would just grab one them as they're passing by and say 'what looks wrong with the thing I've just done?' and like every time one or two little tweaks
Cuts to images of students working in the animation studio drawing and using light boxes.
and it's just better and having that immediate feedback really helps to just excel your progress into like better than just doing by yourself.
Student of BA (Hons) Animation, Jack Lanigan is sat in the animation studio's at Solent University.
I think animation's a great career to get into because basically you get to do your hobby every day of your life.
Senior Lecturer for BA (Hons) Animation, Rob Vaughn is sat in the animation studio's at Solent University.
It's very very hard work but it's really rewarding after spending all of those hours working on something
Cut to images of students working in animation studio with academic lecturer helping them.
actually then getting to watch it play back - it's extremely satisfying.
Senior Lecturer for BA (Hons) Animation, Rob Vaughn is sat in the animation studio's at Solent University.
Well we classically train our animators here, so we don't push any agenda for using certain software or even working in specific roles.
Course Leader for BA (Hons) Animation, Adam Comiski is sat in the animation studio's at Solent University.
We bring people in, we show them the pipeline, we show them the industry and we get them to basically communicate with an audience through character performance
Cut to images of students working in animation studio.
and we do that right from day one with pencil and paper.
Course Leader for BA (Hons) Animation, Adam Comiski is sat in the animation studio's at Solent University.
The facilities on the course are really, really good so working with paper as a foundation that you can then build on as you go through the course, it's like a really good experience.
Student of BA (Hons) Animation, Jack Lanigan is sat in the animation studio's at Solent University.
I got some skills in animating but I also got like other skills, like how to do proper research, how to gather inspiration for like mood boards,
Student of BA (Hons) Animation, Natalia Gibaszek is sat in the animation studio's at Solent University.
how to design characters, what are like different sort of approaches to design. I mean there's a lot of stuff not only animation but also like technical stuff when it comes like softwares - we are learning a lot of like industry softwares
Cut to student working on animation, drawing with pencil and paper and using software to colour in characters.
like Photoshop after effects and premiere pro.
Student of BA (Hons) Animation, Natalia Gibaszek is sat in the animation studio's at Solent University.
I think what sets Solent apart from other institutions is the fact that we are still very keen to work traditionally
Senior Lecturer for BA (Hons) Animation, Rob Vaughn is sat in the animation studio's at Solent University.
it's like if you look around the room we've got light boxes set up everywhere. We very much feel that traditional approach is is the best way to learn to animate,
Cut to animation of a character swimming in the sea, and then showing students working in the animation studio.
you just really appreciate exactly what goes into it and the timing - that you sort of understand timing much more.
Senior Lecturer for BA (Hons) Animation, Rob Vaughn is sat in the animation studio's at Solent University.
I like the fact that we have a lot of freedom artistically
Student of BA (Hons) Animation, Annachiara Garaganese is sat in the animation studio's at Solent University.
at the same time we also have a lot of support from our course leaders, because whenever I need to have feedback or have suggestions about my work they're always there
Cut to Annachiara working in the animation studio showing classmates her work.
and we can have immediate feedback.
Student of BA (Hons) Animation, Annachiara Garaganese is sat in the animation studio's at Solent University.
Well as I said, everybody's classically trained as animators, we do pencil paper but they're taught by
Course Leader for BA (Hons) Animation, Adam Comiski is sat in the animation studio's at Solent University.
classically trained animators as well we're all practitioners working in industry continuing to make stuff ourselves and you know we're all active in the industry and we get to share our projects and professional practice with them live as it's happening.
Cut to animation of an animator working on pencil and paper, and animation of super hero characters.
Nobody learns how to animate at school and there's no such thing as animation talent so it's just practice and hard work and it's a great industry to to aim for.
Course Leader for BA (Hons) Animation, Adam Comiski is sat in the animation studio's at Solent University.
Upbeat music plays, then fades out. Cuts to graphic that says, 'Get ready for university',, fades down, and fades up Solent University logo. [Video ends]