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Videos created before September 2020: Disproportionate burden assessment

Our site may contain historic videos that were published before 23 September 2020. While most of our videos embedded across the website will have been replaced with new accessible versions, there are still some instances of old videos that are publicly available.


This assessment relates to embedded videos on the website. All videos that are published on the Solent site are hosted on YouTube. We chose YouTube as a platform partly due to the accessibility features that are available through the video player. Due to the way the content management system allows us to embed videos, without conducting a full audit of the website, we do not know the exact number of pre-September 2020 videos that we have embedded. On our YouTube channel, there are roughly 550 videos that are publicly available that were published pre-September 2020.


The benefits of making these videos accessible would be:

  • A historical video would be fully accessible to all users with precise Closed Captions and Audio Descriptions.


Our assessment of the burden of making videos published before September 2020 is:

  • We would need to work through 550 videos to be sure that they are all accessible
  • To make each video accessible would take between 2 and 5 hours, depending on length and complexity.

Other factors

Also relevant to this decision is:

  • In 2021 34.5% of our video views were made on the websites. This shows that even though videos are published on the Solent YouTube channel, 65.5% are viewed on other websites.


While best practice would ensure that the 550 videos that were published before September 2020 are fully accessible, we do not feel that the resource available would be best used to update older content.

We expect this disproportionate burden to be removed by the end of 2023 as all content and templates across the site are due to be replaced and any old videos (usually over 2 years old) will be removed.