I made the deadline
Congratulations! You’ve got your application in on time!

You can follow your application with UCAS’ system Track. Once the deadline has passed, you’ll receive a welcome email with some instructions on what to do.
The universities you applied to will start to receive your applications and will begin going through them. They'll be making sure you have the right predicted grades for your chosen degree and that you’re a good fit. This will result in them deciding whether or not to offer you a place. If they decide to make you an offer, it'll be one of the following:
Unconditional Firm (UF)
You have met the requirements and have a guaranteed place.
Conditional Firm (CF)
If you get your predicted grades, you’re in!
Conditional Firm (CF) and Conditional Insurance (CI)
If you’ve made more than one choice, you’re in with your first choice and if not, you'll have to meet the conditions of the second.
Conditional Firm (CF) and Unconditional Insurance (UI)
You’ve made more than one choice. If you meet the conditions of the first, you’ll be on that course. But if you don’t, you’ll definitely be on the second!
If you're not accepted by all of your university choices, don’t panic! You can apply through UCAS Extra or through Clearing. More on this in later weeks.
Once you’ve received your offers, you need to reply by specific deadlines (see our UCAS key dates guide in week 13). And you'll need to select a firm choice - this will be your number one option, the course you really want to study at the university you really want to go to.
If your firm choice is conditional, you'll also need to choose an insurance choice, just as a back-up in case you don't meet the requirements. Then you can decline all your other offers.
Next you’ll find out if you’ve got a place. You can see this on Track if your place has been confirmed.
I think I might miss the deadline
Don’t panic! There’s still plenty of time to get an application in and it doesn’t mean you have to wait until the following year to start uni.

You can still apply through the usual UCAS application system until the 30 June 2024. First, contact your chosen universities to find out whether there are places available.
If you've used all five choices, and you're not holding any offers, you can add another choice using Extra. This year, UCAS Extra runs from 28 February to 4 July.
All applications received after the 30 June 2024 will automatically be entered into Clearing. So, you'll need to begin/finish your applications as soon as possible. Clearing begins in July and finishes in September
If you’ve not started your application, you can check out our guide to registering with UCAS in week 6.
The majority of universities should have some spaces available on their courses, but Clearing is normally first-come-first-served, so you’ll need to get in quick. You will also still need to meet the entry requirements of the course.

This week's recap
If you have made the deadline: sign up to Track and follow your application. Ensure you respond to your offers on time!
If you think you'll miss the deadline: write a to-do list of what you need to do to get your application in and look back at our previous weeks for advice and tips.