New store location
Re:So is located in The Spark building, at Solent University’s East Park Terrace campus. We're open Monday to Friday, 10.30am to 4.30pm - come in and see us!
Re:So is Solent University’s retail initiative, showcasing student and graduate talents across a range of creative disciplines. Our creative students and graduates can use the store as a platform to sell their creations in the campus store or online, gain work experience, or take up mentoring opportunities to help boost their skills and experience.
The initiative derives from the University’s work-based learning modules, providing students with the experience of applying for a placement or job, being interviewed, and ultimately working in roles such as merchandising, social media, marketing, and product photography. Students also get the experience of working as a team on pop-up and community events.
Re:So is located in The Spark building, at Solent University’s East Park Terrace campus. We're open Monday to Friday, 10.30am to 4.30pm - come in and see us!
Louna Crebouw-Potez is a second-year BA (Hons) Illustration student. This design is a self portrait she created from a first-year module and can be customised into any product.
We are proud to be partnering with the John Hansard gallery shop and the D@rt Centre in Hedge End, both of whom will be selling products from the Re:So store and online store very soon!
Here, we share profiles from our students showing real roles they've undertaken to help their development.
These full-time roles allow the graduate interns to learn how to run all aspects of the business and bring their own specialisms or interests to the role. Â
The graduate role is a varied one, one day you’re merchandising the store and the next you’re running a stall at an event. Re:So has taught me to think on my feet, have confidence in myself and my capabilities, and to work effectively as an individual or as a leader of a small team. I have been able to use existing skills like graphic design, editing, and social media marketing, and develop them in my role, as well as share this knowledge with other students.
It’s a very rewarding job - seeing the variety of creatives all trying to make a name for themselves and their first step being Re:So.
Shyanne Searley
Visual Communication
These full-time roles allow the graduate interns to learn how to run all aspects of the business and bring their own specialisms or interests to the role. Â
I have gained new skills in marketing since starting my internship at Solent University, such as managing and organising the Re:So Etsy shop. I have also learned how to manage a shop and to work with and train new staff effectively and fairly. I have found I am good at mentoring new staff and working within a close team.
Rosie Pearson
Visual Communication
Re:So’s visual merchandiser enhances the presentation of the store and the products with seasonally themed, on-trend props and displays. This hands-on role involves planning, researching, making, and installing eye catching displays.
During my time at Re:So I've not only been able to use my current skills as a graphic designer to plan and merchandise the store, but also broaden my skills as a designer by working on window displays, murals and prop design. This role has allowed me to prove myself as a creative and grow in ways I had never expected I could, giving me the perfect stepping stone once I graduate.
Poppy Wilson-Smith
Graphic Design
BA (Hons)
This role involves the day to day running of the store, so every day is different. You will learn what is involved in running a small business and the breadth of skills required, including setting up the store for opening, merchandising new and existing product ranges, and working at events and pop-ups.
While working at Re:So, my role not only empowered me as a student but also provided a hands-on platform for the development of essential skills within the industry. Despite initially feeling disoriented in Southampton, as I am not originally from here, my engagement at Re:So's store location, various pop-up stores, open days, and Westquay events has played a pivotal role in fostering a sense of connection with the community, the University, and my peers.
I feel I grew so much while working at Re:So through my active participation, networking, and even the opportunities to personally sell my own work.
Sophie Robertson
Fashion Design
BA (Hons)
All sales are logged weekly on spreadsheets by the income and supplier manager. They are then sent to the University’s income team who arrange monthly payments to the store’s suppliers. Month-on-month figures are then recorded for the senior lecturer to review.
My role at Re:So has allowed me to learn about the key aspects of a finance-based job within an organisation. It has also allowed me to develop a wide variety of skills, ranging from the use of Excel, to communicating with suppliers. I have gained a higher level of confidence when taking on important responsibilities as I have many important tasks to carry out, but I know I am supported by my team.
This role has given me the unique opportunity to experience this responsibility before a graduate role which is something I would have been unable to experience elsewhere.
Lily Wood
Re:So sells products in the the campus-based store, at Southampton City Art Gallery's shop, and online through Etsy and Teemill.
Etsy and Teemill products from academically-linked teaching, using Re:So as the client for the outcomes the students produce.
We sell a selection of ranges, including art prints, fashion accessories, home and lifestyle products, and greetings cards.
We partner with Teemill to print-to-order and ship our customisable clothing and other items to you.
Did you know all our Re:So tees and jumpers are designed to be sent back to Teemill when they are worn out? And the clever people at Teemill make new products out of these old ones! This is a contribution to the circular economy. Click the link below to visit the online store to choose your design and have it printed on any items you like.
Print-to-order products with illustrations by Ana Carolina Placido Sobreira
Continuous line art prints and home accessories by Sisrcibbles
Available in store
If you're a current Solent student or graduate and wish to sell your art or products through Re:So, contact us with a brief outline of what you would like to sell. Any products we sell are sold on a commission basis.
We offer a variety of work-based learning roles for level 5 and 6 students who need to secure and complete a placement as part of their degree. Alternatively, if you have a proposal for a project you would like us to consider, contact us with an outline of your idea in the first instance.
Graduate intern opportunities are advertised around May/June on the main Solent jobs page and are open to new or recent graduates of the University. There will be two available for 2024. We also sometimes have some part-time roles available which are advertised through Campus Jobs.
Please contact lesley.taylor@solent.ac.uk about any of these opportunities.