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The Research Office team supports staff at Solent to develop research and knowledge exchange projects and apply for funding. This page provides an overview of internal and external funding opportunities, as well as information on consultancy, bid support, and using Pure to manage your research projects.

Please read through the information provided, and email the team at if you have any questions or need further support.

Bid support

The bid support process is the route for staff who intend to apply for external funding for their research, innovation or consultancy project, whether alone or in collaboration with others.

The process is mandatory and applies to all staff bidding for external funding.

The Research Office team provides support for and works with each applicant throughout the process.

To get started on a new bid, please review Solent's bid process, along with the ethics checklist and declaration form.

External funding opportunities

Solent staff can find information on potential funders here.

Staff can also find additional information on potential funders and useful advice on making applications on the researcher development programme page on SOL.

Go to the RDP on SOL

Internal funding

The Research Office aims to support Solent University staff with their research, innovation and knowledge exchange (RIKE) ideas and ambitions. The RIKE project grants are one of the key ways we do this.

RIKE project grants

RIKE project grants are grants for research, innovation or knowledge exchange projects awarded internally through the Research Office.

Applications are welcomed from Solent University academic staff on permanent or fixed term contracts. Associate lecturers (ALs) are not eligible to apply to this fund.

 There are different types of grants, as described below:

  • Bridge to cover funding gaps, complete a key piece of work for publication or to provide match-funding for an existing R/KE opportunity (up to £2,500).
  • Accelerator proof of concept grants for the generation of preliminary data to strengthen an application for external funding (up to £15,000).
  • Learning and Teaching Innovation Fund to stimulate research into educational development practices (up to £1,000).
  • Outreach support for public engagement and involvement initiatives to communicate with the community about research and knowledge exchange activities at Solent University (up to £1,000).

Please download the RIKE project grants information sheet below to learn about eligibility criteria and application guidelines.

Download the RIKE information sheet

To apply, complete all required fields in the online application form.

Apply for a RIKE award

If you have any questions, please email

Development fund

As of 2023/24, the Departments/School and Research Office are working together to further strengthen the support for colleagues planning to present at a conference or undertake developmental training by providing a University-wide match-funded development fund.

The development fund is awarded, primarily, to assist with the cost of presenting RKE outcomes in the form of a paper, a poster or oral presentation at events and conferences, or with training and formative opportunities that will significantly contribute to the applicant’s RKE development. Grants are not available for purposes concerned primarily with teaching activities.

Download the development fund information sheet below to learn about eligibility criteria and application guidelines.

Download the Development Fund information sheet

To apply, complete all required fields in the online application form.

Apply for the Development Fund

If you have any questions, please email


The University’s consultancy policy applies to all staff who are currently undertaking or intending to undertake outward consultancy.

The Research Office team provides support to ensure understanding of, and compliance with, the policy alongside the bid support process.

The consultancy agreement is a simple pdf template of the final agreement between the University and any client. It includes the University’s standard terms and conditions for outward consultancy. You may send the template to a potential client for their information in advance of discussing potential work.

If you are considering outward consultancy, please contact for full guidance on how to proceed.

Download the Solent Consultancy Agreement template on SOL

Researcher development

Solent’s Researcher Development Programme (RDP) offers a range of opportunities for Solent staff and students at all levels of research experience to develop knowledge and skills to support their research and knowledge exchange.

Visit the Research Support web page for a full overview of the support available, or sign into the RDP on Solent Online Learning to access training and resources.

Go to the RDP on SOL

University Research Leads

Our University Research Leads (URLs) were appointed in December 2020 to identify and subsequently provide strategic leadership to the research priority themes as identified in the Strategy.

These themes are:

Environment and Engineering (lead: Dr Laurie Wright)

Human Function and Health (lead: Dr Shelley Duncan)

Media, Culture and the Arts (lead: Dr Donna Peberdy)

Social Research and Policy (lead: Dr Karen Burnell).

The purpose of the cross-departmental URL role is to ensure strong leadership for Solent University’s research, providing strategic leadership towards a highly effective and impactful submission in the next REF 2027 and beyond. This includes working with teams of staff with significant responsibility for research (SRRs), building impact case studies, and with postgraduate research students aligned with the themes, as well as working as a strategic leadership team to enhance the wider research community and culture.

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