a) When you fill in the application form you will be asked to respond to a checklist of questions.
If your response to all the questions is ‘No’, or if you respond ‘Yes’ to question one, but ‘No’ to all the related sub-questions, your application is eligible for self-certification.
As a member of staff this completes your self-certification, you may begin your research.
b) If you answer ‘Yes’ to any of the questions on the checklist, or ‘Yes’ to question one and ‘Yes’ to at least of the related sub-questions, this will automatically convert your application to a request for full ethical review from an ethics standing panel.
To complete a request for full ethical approval you must fill in any additional sections on the form with all relevant detail.
When the application has been approved by the ethics standing panel you may begin your research.
The panel normally take ten working days to review an application.
The following may lead to delays in the process: