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Every time a student names you as the member of staff with supervisory responsibility for their project, you will receive an email to your Solent University staff email with a portal link to their application. 

  • Click on the ‘project’ link (you may be prompted to log into the portal).

  • When you have reviewed the application you can click to accept or decline the application.

  • You have the option to add a comment to accompany your decision if you wish to do so. 

Click on the project link in the email and decline the application with the comment:  

"You have not named the correct member of staff to review this project. Consult your course team before resubmitting." 

If you don’t decline the application as described above, the student will not be able to access their application to edit it or resubmit it. 
Normally a response should be made to an application within five working days.

There may be a number of reasons why you would receive more than one email 

  • The student has submitted more than one application for the same research project.  

    • If this is the case you should decline all but one of the applications as duplicates. Having identified the student’s most recent/complete version you should review this one as normal.

  • There is an automated reminder system that is triggered at five working days for an unreviewed application. You may receive up to two automated reminders. If the application is not reviewed at that point the system will send a query to the research ethics process team and they will initiate further enquiries to ascertain the cause of the delay. 

  • You have previously declined an application and the student has edited and resubmitted it for your approval of the amendments.

No. Students who begin their projects prior to receiving ethical approval would be in breach of the ethical approval process and could face disciplinary actions under the student academic misconduct policy.  

Student Academic Misconduct Policy 

You will still be asked to review the application and accept or decline it.   

  • If you decline it, it will be returned to the student, who may then edit it in response to any comments you have made. A declined application that is edited and resubmitted by a student must come back to you for your approval of the amendments before it can be passed to the ethics standing panel for review.  

  • If you accept it, it will be forwarded to the ethics standing panel. 

Normally an ethics standing panel will respond within ten working days of the date on which you accept the student’s application. 
This restarts the process and you will be asked to review any resubmission of the application before it would be eligible to return to the panel. 

Approval with comment may entail either ‘comments’ or ‘conditions’.   

  • A ‘comment’ is something the panel want the applicant to consider when undertaking their project, but the project can begin.  

  • A student must demonstrate to you as the supervisor of the project how they will meet any ‘condition(s)’ set by the panel before they start their project. 

Yes. They can download it as a pdf for printing.


Download the quick guide for supervisors

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