Solent’s Researcher Development Programme (RDP) offers a range of opportunities for staff and students to develop knowledge and skills to support their research and innovation.
About the RDP
The programme is based in our virtual learning environment, Solent Online Learning (SOL), and caters for all levels of experience with a range of online face-to-face sessions and asynchronous resources. You can choose the activities which are right for you at each stage of your research and innovation development journey.
While predominantly aimed at academic staff and those studying for a research degree, students of all levels are welcome to attend relevant sessions.
The core RDP is arranged into five key areas:
- Develop your research
- Fund your research
- Communicate your research
- Professional development
- Graduate School
Doctoral students are further supported by specific training to support their studies on the postgraduate research degree pages. Staff and students can use the links below to self-enrol onto the relevant courses in Solent Online Learning.
Go to the Researcher Development Programme on SOL
Go to the Postgraduate Research Degree course on SOL
Go to the Postgraduate Certificate in Research Methods course on SOL
Go to the Graduate School on SOL
We also organise specialist workshops and seminars as required, as well as supporting academic department-based events organised by staff or students. If you would like help with an event you are organising, please email the research office.
Online resources
A wide range of online tools are available to help researchers manage and progress different areas of their work, from finding information, to managing your data and disseminating your research. Many of these are based in the researcher development programme page on SOL, but you may also find the following resources useful to your research activities.
LinkedIn Learning
This collection of online video tutorials covers a wide range of technical, creative and personal skills. From figuring out functions in Excel to polishing presentation skills, it is a useful resource for backing up research-specific training. To access LinkedIn Learning, log into Solent Online Learning (SOL) and from the main menu at the top of the screen, select Learning Apps, then LinkedIn Learning.
If you are having trouble accessing SOL, visit our student help pages for guidance.
Researchers LibGuide
The University library hosts a wide range of tools and resources to aid your research. The LibGuide for Solent researchers will link you to key online resources, as well as introducing you to additional services available to you. As a researcher or doctoral student, you can access a range of special services, including on-to-one appointments with your information librarian.
Access the LibGuide
Career development for researchers
Solent supports the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers and our RDP is based on the national Researcher Development Framework. The framework has been developed to provide the tools for individuals to map and plan their professional development as researchers.
Find out more about professional development for researchers
Further support
If you have any question about the Researcher Development Programme, or need to organise specific training that isn’t covered by our core programme, please contact the research office.
Get in touch
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