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Nada El haoua

MSc Sustainable Building Design
Graduated 2021

Headshot - Nada El haoua, Solent graduate

Nada El haoua, from Morocco, studied architecture for six years abroad before studying MSc Sustainable Building Design at Solent. After graduating in 2021, she now works as an architectural assistant for RAFT.

Tell us what you’ve been up to since leaving Solent University

I started working with RAFT directly after I left Solent. It's been a great adventure where I've met inspiring people and worked on some exciting projects.

What does a typical day look like for you?

My days are shaped by the projects I'm working on and their stage of completion. For example, when working on a retrofit project, I may use REVIT, SketchUp, Excel, and InDesign to create and review plans and proposals. Sometimes my days could be spent doing site visits or leading engagement workshops with schools about retrofit. It's not monotonous and it's definitely rewarding.

How do you think your studies at Solent helped prepare you for your career?

I studied architecture for six years abroad. After that, I had an MA from another UK university, but my MSc at Solent was definitely a key factor that helped me with my current job. The master’s deepened my technical knowledge as it gave me an understanding of the technical aspects of sustainable building design, such as energy efficiency, renewable energy, water conservation, and green building materials. This knowledge is essential for designing and implementing sustainable building solutions, especially for retrofit projects. In addition to general skills, like problem-solving and project management, my studies also gave me specific knowledge and skills in the following areas: building energy modelling, whole-life carbon assessment tools, and BIM.

The master’s deepened my technical knowledge as it gave me an understanding of the technical aspects of sustainable building design, such as energy efficiency, renewable energy, water conservation, and green building materials.

What advice would you give to those wanting to follow in your footsteps?

Network with other professionals. Develop your technical skills and just be passionate about what you do.

Career highlight to date?

Knowing that my job makes a difference in people's lives and helps protect the planet for future generations is a powerful motivator. It helps me stay focused and driven, even when things get tough.