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Solent Unviersity Southampton logo

Finn Andrews

BSc (Hons) Accountancy and Finance
Current student

Profile picture of Finn Andrews working as student ambassador during clearing 2023

Why did you choose Solent? 

I really liked the city of Southampton and I wanted to go to university. I researched Solent University and the person on the hotline was very helpful, so I applied through clearing. I booked an open day and really liked the energy of the University, so that made me think ‘it was the place’. I also liked the hands-on learning and their focus on employability.

What do you like best about living and studying in Southampton?

I do like how student-centric the city is with lots of nice bars, restaurants and clubs, and nice places such as Ocean Village, Westquay and Southampton Common. If you are sporty, there are lots of facilities such as swimming pools too. It’s cheaper to live here than in other cities such as Bath or Bristol.

What’s the best thing about your course lecturers?

For me, it is their approachability. The advantage of studying at Solent is that the cohort is small for a university, so it is much easier to get in touch with lecturers when I need advice from them.

What about the facilities? 

The facilities have all been good so far. The sports complex for badminton is great. Most of my lesssons take place in the Spark building, in very modern lecture theatres.

Do you feel your studies are helping you prepare for a career in the industry?

I do feel that Solent helps with employability and working towards a career. One module we studied focused on how to become more employable and improve our portfolio, using LinkedIn proficiently… In addition, the uni’s connections with PwC, Enterprise Rent-a-car and other businesses are invaluable.

There is also a placement year option included in my degree, which I will start in year 3 to help me improve my employment prospects.

I joined the badminton team and made lots of friends from different degrees, years, and backgrounds. It is a wonderful way to have fun and socialise.

Can you talk a bit about any opportunities you’ve had to get practical experience?

During Welcome Week, we got the chance to go to PwC’s offices in Ocean Village. We visited their facilities, discovered the various roles within the company and talked about the current state and the future of the industry. PwC also came to Solent for guest lectures and networking events. Enterprise Rent-A-Car and Telefonica have also done talks at the uni on sales/marketing strategies and the future of technology in a business context.

Has the University given you any help, support, or advice when you needed it?

Yes, I got advice from the Student Hub and Solent Futures - the University’s employability service - plus the lecturers who have always given me support when I needed it. Solent Futures has helped me secure an unpaid work experience and improve my CV and LinkedIn profile. I did not need mental health or financial support, but my friends who needed it got great support.

What are your career plans?

I plan to secure a strong placement in my third year, potentially as financial analyst/advisor. I’ll do all my research in my second year to find what direction I want to take in my future career. Hopefully, this will go well, and I’ll secure a great graduate job straight after uni.