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Joshua Jones

Graduated 2018

Portrait image of Joshua Jones

Briefly describe a typical day on your course

There was a lot of reading and discussion: you are encouraged to share your views, no matter how outlandish or far-fetched you may think they are. You are encouraged to push yourself and to learn new ways of reading literature, and typically discuss topics such as feminism, sexuality and existentialism, to name a few.

Best and worst bits of the course?

The level of freedom is a blessing and a curse, depending on the kind of worker you are. For me, I thrive on the level of independence, but I am also a very last-minute worker. It can be difficult to motivate yourself, but there was a lot of time outside of the classroom to dedicate to reading and research, and also to pursue projects outside of university.

What surprised you about the course?

I’ve always had a deep dislike of Shakespeare since secondary school. I believe that schools don’t teach Shakespeare efficiently enough, to say the least, and I wasn’t expecting anything different. Now, I have an awakened appreciation of him as I never saw myself enjoying Shakespeare’s work. I’ve since learned to read and study literature outside of predisposed bias and prejudice. On the media side of the course, I learned that I love recording and designing sound, and about various ways to practise and experiment with that.