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The Student Charter has been developed in consultation between students and staff at Solent University.

The Charter is structured around the expectations of both students and the University in order to create a positive learning experience which will enhance the overall student experience.

Student Charter

This Charter has been updated to reflect the changes we have introduced relating to Covid-19

The University undertakes to provide you with:

  • Excellent educational opportunities to enable you to maximise your potential.
  • Information, advice and guidance to allow you to succeed throughout your student journey.
  • Innovative, research-informed teaching and excellent extra-curricular activities.
  • Opportunities to become a highly employable global citizen through access to industry-standard facilities and technology, real-world learning, and relevant networks.
  • An excellent student experience throughout your student journey, in partnership with the Students' Union.
  • Courteous and fair treatment in our dealings with you.
  • A safe environment promoting freedom of speech.
  • Opportunities to feed back on your experiences and a commitment that we will work in partnership with you.
  • A friendly and inclusive environment, ensuring equality of opportunity for everyone.
  • A safe and welcoming environment for all to learn, live and work in which the safety of students and staff is at the forefront of delivery.

Covid 19: Our aim is to keep everyone within the University and the wider community safe, therefore we will also:

  • Ensure all face-to-face learning opportunities are conducted in a safe environment and all steps, as are practically possible, have been taken to mitigate the risk of spreading Covid 19.
  • Provide you with the best possible support through our accommodation and student support teams, should you suspect you have contracted Covid-19.
  • Work with external agencies to support the government’s track and trace programme and to ensure we are acting on the most up-to-date advice to protect our community.

As a student you undertake to:

  • Engage fully with your studies, including online, face-to-face, independent learning, and group work.
  • Work in partnership with the University to make the most of all opportunities provided.
  • Strive to do your best in all that you do.
  • Ask for help when you need it from our dedicated and easily accessible team who are available to support you.
  • Make the most of opportunities to provide feedback about your student experience.
  • Engage proactively with your course representatives.
  • Be aware of the University's regulations and information provided in handbooks.
  • Ensure you remain up to date about University communications.

Covid 19: To keep us all safe and to keep the University open, we also ask you to agree to:

  • Abide by the principles of the joint commitment for students from the University of Southampton and Solent University.
      • Protecting myself, protecting others, protecting the community
        I will do all that I can to protect myself and those around me from the threat of Covid-19 by following all the appropriate laws, rules and guidance. I will not engage in any behaviours that put either myself, my friends or the wider community at risk. I acknowledge that we must work together to keep our community safe and to keep our universities open.
  • Follow all public health guidelines regarding Covid-19, as set out nationally by the Government and locally by Solent University which will protect both yourself and others. This includes guidelines on face coverings, social distancing and maintaining good virus-containment hygiene and informing the Student Hub team if you feel you may have contracted Covid-19.
  • Encourage others within the student community to act responsibly and follow all recommended guidelines.
  • Engage with the wide range of online learning opportunities that are made available to you.
  • Maintain a professional conduct throughout all teaching sessions including within virtual / online sessions. This includes being appropriately dressed and in an appropriate setting.
  • Not to record any online sessions without permission from your tutor. Most online sessions will be recorded and available for review on SOL.
  • Respect room occupancy limits, layouts, seating arrangements and social distancing guidance in all University buildings when on campus or in any university residences
  • Follow the regulations of your University residence accommodation contract (where applicable) – including regulations on group sizes, gatherings, use of communal spaces, and cleaning.
  • Agree to the rules and requirements relating to online counselling and therapy support. This includes agreeing to not record support sessions without permission.
  • Ensure you remain up to date with University communications on Covid-19 and any changes to advice and guidance that is shared with you.

The Student Charter is reviewed on an annual basis. For more information on the Student Charter please contact the Student Hub on 023 8201 5200, or via email at

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