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BA (Hons) Physical Education student, Amy Brown talks to CIMSPA transcript

Audio description
My name's Amy Brown; I'm on the BA honours PE degree. I want to go into PE teaching - I'm leaning more towards secondary than primary at the minute but, yeah, it's go into teaching afterwards. So our PE degree is endorsed by five CIMSPA professional standards which are embedded within our modules. I think PE is such an important subject for young people to learn to be physically active and I kind of want to foster that positive attitude for them. Those skills that we're learning through those professional standards that we want to learn for our modules and hopefully they'll give me the confidence when teaching and when I get my degree. I do like the practical element, so getting to actually going to school and work with kids, I think it's really important because teaching your peers isn't the same as teaching a class of 32 eight-year-olds that are kind of running around. S I do think it's really important getting into the schools and working with them and actually being practical with it. But I do think it's also important to have the knowledge behind you to be able to put that into place because it gives you a different way of thinking about it. Before I came here I did coaching and stuff like that and since I've come here I've kind of changed the way I coach just because of the stuff we've learned and the different ways that I've gone to thinking about how they learn and how I should word what I say to best help them. I think if you have an inkling that you want to do something, or if you want to go into a specific sport or a profession, or something like that, just have a go and just do it because you can surprise yourself.
BA (Hons) Physical Education student Amy Brown is talking to an interviewer off camera.