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Clearing 2024 is now open

Clearing 2024 - Paige Symns transcript

Audio description
Hi, I'm Paige; I went through clearing in 2017. I didn't get the grades I expected to so that's why I went through clearing I then studied the law foundation year for a year and went on to do my LLB for three years. The present day I am a solicitor and I work at Stone Rivera solicitors in Twickenham. It was quite a scary time because it wasn't what I was expecting. I was a bit unfamiliar with the clearing process but there were so many helpful guides out there on the UCAS website and on Solent's website itself that guided me through the process, so once I studied up a bit on the clearing process I felt a bit more comfortable and I knew that I had options to enable me to study the degree I wanted to. The clearing process at Solent was really quite streamlined. I called the clearing hotline and I spoke to a really friendly hotline operative and they spoke me through the process, they took all of my details, and then soon after I was offered the place on the foundation year so the process that Solent was really friendly and welcoming and that's one of the main reasons why I chose to go to Solent. The advice I would give to people going through clearing this year is to really explore your options. Clearing is such a great tool for students to be able to get onto a university level course when they potentially don't have the grades that they wanted or expected. Make use of all of the different universities' tools, whether that be their websites, or speaking to current students that you may know who go there, or attending virtual or in person open days. But really get a feel for the University and then you can make a really informed decision. I am part of our dispute resolution and litigation department. I cover all sorts of areas such as contractual disputes, commercial disputes, and landlord and tenant issues. I really enjoy the variety of work that the department covers. My studies at Solent really helped me prepare for my career because it prepared me for the world of work. The degree was practical as well as content heavy, so I learned all of the different areas of law that I am required to do in my day-to-day practice. But it also prepared me for working with colleagues and working with clients, and my role's very client focused, so during my LLB we would practice client interviews, for example, which really helped prepare me practically for the work that I do now. Solent has been a huge part of my journey. I'm really grateful for all of the support they gave me throughout my time at university and essentially they enabled me to be where I am today so I will always be grateful and look back fondly on my time at Solent.
LLB (Hons) alumna, Paige Symns is sat in a room in front of bookshelves containing legal journals and is talking to camera.
Solent's brand graphic. A red wave made of multiple thin strips appears from left of screen, rippling across left to right, before curving back across the camera and filling the screen with red. The red shrinks down to the Solent logo in centre screen: a red circle with white text reading Solent University, Southampton.