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Solent Unviersity Southampton logo
Solent Unviersity Southampton logo

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Find out what Southampton has to offer transcript

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Upbeat music plays in the background. An aerial shot of the city of Southampton is shown.
Four students are shown on screen with a wave graphic show in the background aling with the text, 'History'. A montage of shots show historial building around Southampton such as the Southampton walls, Tudor House and Castle Watergate.
A student is looking as some artwork, then is transposed onto Southampton high street, then a moving graphic of waves is shown along with the words, 'Shopping', 'Thing to do'. A montage of a range of high street stores are shown.
The sport location, 'Boulder shack' is shown in a montage, showing people climbing on indoor climbing walls. A person then hits a ball with a bat.
A video of a person shaking a cocktail shaker in a baris shown with a wave graphic that animates in background, along with the words, 'Social', 'Nightlife'. A montage of a arnage of night life locations from aorund Southampton are shown including, bars, clubs and restaurants.
A wall in Southampton with the words 'We march on' are shown, alongside the Southampton ('Saints') Football Club logo. A student is shown on screen with an animated wave graphic in the background along with the words, 'Sport'. A montage of sporting activities and locations around Southampton are shown including St Mary's Stadium, Cricket and Bowling.
A student is shown near the habour in Southampton with a rnage of luxury boats in the background. An animated wave graphic is shown alongside the words, 'Culture'. A montage of shots is shown including Southampton Guildhall, John Hansard Gallery, Southampton Pride event with large crowds of people celebrating, then a montage of gaffiti art, Southampton art gallery, Showcase cinema, and bands playing on stage.
Three students are walking along the harbourside, and an animated wave graphic is shown longside the words, 'Open spaces'. A montage os shots are shown including the luxury boat habour and ocean village in Southampton, studentd walking in the green parks, the New Forest with a person cycling in and out of the trees, people jetskiing and paddle boarding in the Solent sea.
Students are shown on screen, with the wave graphic animated over the top, with the words 'Make waves', ending in an aerial shot of Southampton.
Fade to a white screen with a red wave graphic animated, turning the screen red to reavel the Solent University logo, with the web address,