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Foundation Year - Generic transcript

Audio description
Upbeat music plays in background. Text appears on the screen; 'What is a Foundation course?'
A Foundation course is a course before the three year degree. We have many different foundations in computing, maritime and one that I run is the Sport Foundation. And the main reason for it, is exactly what it says - it's the foundation - so the building blocks, the stepping stones, going on to their chosen degree.
Rhian Jones, Course Leader for Sport Foundation is talking to camera.
Text appears on the screen; 'What key skills can Foundation students gain?'
We have many different foundations in computing, maritime and one that I run is the Sport Foundation. And the main reason for it, is exactly what it says - it's the foundation - so the building blocks, the stepping stones, going on to their chosen degree. So the key skills that a student will get from the foundation is, they will start with basic skills. So, some students will be mature students, they may be parents, they may be carers, they may not have studied for many years, they might be an international student. So we have all different diverse students come to university. So we do start from the basics. So we will look at their academic writing, referencing. So we will go through - what is a report? How does a report differ to an essay, to that of a portfolio? How would we like you to present? How will you present? How can we build on your skills to be able to present?
Rhian Jones, Course Leader for Sport Foundation is talking to camera.
Upbeat music plays in background then fades out. And the Solent University logo fades in.