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Solent Unviersity Southampton logo

Clearing 2024 is now open

VC welcome to new students transcript

Audio description
Congratulations on gaining your place at university and a very warm welcome to Solent. My name is Professor James Knowles and I'm the University's Vice Chancellor. Being Vice Chancellor means that I'm responsible for the overall direction of the University. I provide leadership for our community of students and staff and I represent the University in the city and the region and beyond. I am here to ensure that you have the very best possible university experience and you get the best possible education and support a university can provide.
Professor James Knowles, Solent's Vice-Chancellor, is talking to the camera.
Solent's educational history dates back to 1855. For over 160 years we've been providing educational opportunities for students from diverse backgrounds.
Cutaways to images showing Solent University's East Park Terrace campus being built, and students from many years ago working in classrooms and laboratories.
Inspired by that history, Solent is a dynamic and ambitious university. Our courses span industries and professions, from fashion through to finance. We offer real-world learning in partnership with business, industry and the professions for those studying at Solent University. We will ensure that you are, work ready, world ready, and ready for the future. We're also an entrepreneurial university supporting close to 100 students every year to successfully start their own businesses.
Professor James Knowles is talking to the camera.
You've joined a community of up to 10,000 students and over 75,000 alumni around the world. You'll be learning in a wonderful city centre campus in one of the UK's best regions to live. You'll be able to enjoy wonderful parks, the city's live music scene, Championship league football, international and county cricket, and world-class sailing. State of the art cinemas and theatres, and great shopping are also on your doorstep
Cutaways to shots of students walking around Southampton, as well as scenes from around city.
So Solent is now your University and we're with you every step of the way as you start your next exciting chapter. As a university we're ranked in the top 50 for our teaching and in the top 25 percent of universities in the country for our academic support for providing a learning community and listening to the student voice. We are sixth in the UK for sustained employment We want you to be proud of Solent so we put a real emphasis on supporting you into your chosen career and we place a strong emphasis on your employability.
Professor James Knowles is talking to the camera.
As I mentioned we're also proud to be one of the leading universities for helping our graduates set up their own businesses. Something that our Chancellor, Dragon's Den star and entrepreneur, Theo Paphitis is particularly enthusiastic about. We are the UK's leading University for maritime training and education and many of our courses are accredited by professional bodies enabling you to study for professional qualifications alongside your studies. Our courses meet business and industry standards so you can be confident that you're gaining the skills that employers are looking for. You will be taught by an academic community who are passionate about their subjects and who will deliver research-informed teaching with a focus on quality and innovation. The university indeed has a growing reputation for its research and knowledge exchange activities, tackling important societal issues such as climate change, sustainability, social justice, and inclusion.
Cutaway to Theo Paphitis and shots of marine engineers and the ship handling centre before coming back to Professor James Knowles.
We excel at giving our students the confidence, skills, knowledge and experience you need to successfully pursue fulfilling lives and life-changing careers. We recognise that everyone is different and learns differently, so we provide you with a range of student support to help you focus on your education in a way that suits you. That includes financial, mental health, and career support. The Student Hub will provide support to you throughout your time at University but life as a student, I would also add, is not just about academic learning. based in the city centre you have great access to the nightlife, and all of the daytime activities and events that the city has to offer. Please take a look take a look at our Solent Sport facilities, providing you with opportunities to keep fit or get involved in a team sport. There is something for everyone so do check out what is on offer and don't forget to head to our Student Union based in the Spark Building or have a look at the SU website for the details of your student president and sabbatical officer team, and to find out about the great work they do representing students and the range of student societies you can sign up to.
Cutaways to images of students in the exercise science labs, design studios, accommodation before coming back to Professor James Knowles. Then cuts away to images of the student hub and our sport facilities, as well as the Students' Union website and logos of the student societies.
Most of all I would urge you to make the most of all the opportunities that being a Solent student will give you. This is a chance to let your imagination and ambition free. If there is anything missing please let us know as we're always keen to hear from you and to act on your feedback. So once again welcome to Solent. This is your University. I wish you a successful and enjoyable year ahead.
Professor James Knowles is talking to the camera.
Solent's brand graphic. A red wave made of multiple thin strips appears from left of screen, rippling across left to right, before curving back across the camera and filling the screen with red. The red shrinks down to the Solent logo in centre screen: a red circle with white text reading Solent University, Southampton.