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Why study BA (Hons) Fashion and Beauty Media transcript

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Upbeat music plays in the background. Video plays of a montage of Fashion Media students working in a classroom designing magazines at the computer, as well as the images from the magazine such as models wearing futuristic outfits, and brightly coloured clothes.
The reason I took fashion media is because it was so different from any other course I've ever seen. the course is very like, coursework based which is what I sort of thrive in, so I thought this course would be perfect for me. There's so many different career paths at the end of it you can go to. There's so many different things you can specialise in throughout the course and I just thought it's the perfect opportunity to try a bit of everything.
Student Hollie Wakefield is stood in the apple mac computer room talking to camera. Interspersed is video cutaways of students working at the computers designing magazines.
It's the opportunity to just be really creative with lots of different things so we learn so many new skills and I think when you first start doing them you feel a bit overwhelmed because there's so much new stuff to learn and then as the weeks progress it all just comes together and you realise that actually, you're okay at this, so that's it's nice because you kind of get a go at lots of different things.
Student Katherine Stothert is stood in the apple mac computer room talking to camera.
The best thing about my course I would say, is the creativity so the way you get to find out your own idea and then recreate it.
Student Hema Dixons Owusu Adjei is sat at a apple mac computer room talking to camera.
It's just getting to know obviously different people and just the different aspects of life within like, fashion and it really pushes you out of your comfort zone because you have to work with different people to find out different aspects of like, their life and how they want to do different, like, a double page spread or the digital piece. But it is like, those are the best parts because you get to know people.
Student Jenna Hunt is sat at a apple mac computer room talking to camera.
I think that you get the creativity to talk about what you want to talk about and you have the freedom to, you know, work on what you want to work on. It's not like, set, you don't have to write seven thousand word essay on this one thing, it can be whatever you want it to be.
Student Emma Bell is sat a the apple mac computer room talking to camera. Interspersed are students working in the classroom with help from the academic.
The best thing about my course is definitely the lecturers - they make you feel really welcome every time you come in, any help you ever need they really help you out like, no question's too big or small. Just if you if you ever have any queries they'll be there to help you straight away.
Student Hollie Wakefield is stood in the apple mac computer room talking to camera.
It's something that's new, you know, not everybody gets the chance to have their own studio where they can take their pictures you know, so I really like it that bit.
Student Hema Dixons Owusu Adjei is sat at a apple mac computer room talking to camera.
So we're working on our editorial carbon magazine, we will make up a printed edition but then it also goes online as well. We've all been allocated roles for this edition and then with the next one it will all change around, so some of us are editors some of us are working in teams for different sections so we're all kind of helping each other out now because we're in the final stages just kind of wrapping everything up, filling in the blanks, getting those little bits and pieces finished off. So it's a real kind of exercise of teamwork really where we're all just chipping in wherever help is needed.
Student Katherine Stothert is stood in the apple mac computer room talking to camera. Interspersed are cutaways to video of students working in the mac computer room working on designing magazines, as well as images of 'Carbon' magazine online.
My role in Carbon this time is I'm the Beauty Editor so I do have the people submitting obviously their work to be in the beauty edit and I just have to go through just double checking like, their work, see if it's done up to scratch, so just sort of how to like organise that and obviously just wait to see the final result and hopefully it's all good.
Student Jenna Hunt is sat at a apple mac computer room talking to camera.
So my role in Carbon, I'm Arts Director so I basically design all like, the contents pages, like the header pages the editors notes pages it's very like design-y.
Student Hollie Wakefield is stood in the apple mac computer room talking to camera. Also cutaways to Hollie working at the computer.
So all the work we've been doing this whole term, we're all putting it in one and then we're gonna upload it, so currently what I'm doing is just editing everybody's work and then putting it on one page spread.
Student Hema Dixons Owusu Adjei is sat at a apple mac computer room talking to camera.
I'd definitely recommend this course to other people I think it's so great for anyone creative or anyone that doesn't really know, like, the exact direction they want to go in, it's just a bit of everything for everyone.
Student Hollie Wakefield is stood in the apple mac computer room talking to camera.
Everyone is so supportive and it's like a really like fun course. It is a little bit tricky to begin with because you've got loads of work but as soon as you like, put it into perspective, it's actually not as bad as you think. But yeah I definitely recommend the course because it is worth it.
Student Jenna Hunt is sat at a apple mac computer room talking to camera.
A lot that you can do with the course, you're not boxed in there's a few avenues that I'm still debating going down and it's a very good course if you're still kind of experimenting, you know you want to go into fashion, you like media and there's a few avenues - it doesn't box you into a certain career so yeah.
Student Emma Bell is sat at a apple mac computer room talking to camera. Interspersed are cutaways of student designed magazines.
I would definitely recommend the course because it's such a unique course, you know, it's not like you'd have to do a lot of you know essay writing, it's just what you love - the beauty, fashion, all of it in one.
Student Hema Dixons Owusu Adjei is sat at a apple mac computer room talking to camera.
Upbeat music plays, then fades out. Cuts to graphic that says, 'Get ready for university',, fades down, and fades up Solent University logo. [Video ends]