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Why study BA (Hons) Music Business transcript

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Music business is a great career to get into because it's a fast developing, ever-changing and creative industry. It's also a very global and dynamic industry, so you could end up working internationally. Also there's a great opportunity to work with the artists of tomorrow and there's an opportunity to work in an industry that creates a product and a service that means so much to so many people. We've got a great staff team, we have a mix of music industry practitioners, so people who've worked in the music industry and had a successful career in that. But also, leading academics who published research that goes around the world.
Course Leader of BA (Hons) Music Business, James Hannam is sat in the Spark building at Solent University talking to camera. Interspersed are cutaways of guest lectures at the university. Upbeat music plays in the background.
I think the best thing about the lecturers is just how friendly they are, it's quite informal in that the class sizes are quite small as compared to a lot of universities, so there's only sort of 30 people in and it means that you get a lot more personal connection with them and you know, you can speak to them face-to-face, it's a lot easier to put your hand up and ask questions.
Student of BA (Hons) Music Business, Connie Wilkinson is sat in the Spark building at Solent University talking to camera.
We know they know what they're talking about because of the experience that they have and they provide a decent plan to get from like, where we are and to get to where we want to be. They utilise their knowledge to help us get to where we need to be.
Student of BA (Hons) Music Business, Matt Clark is sat in the Spark building at Solent University talking to camera.
So we have excellent music industry links, both from our own careers but also our graduates now work in the music industry as well. We're constantly refreshing our contacts. So we're bringing lots of guest lecturers from companies such as TikTok, Live Nation, Universal Music Publishing Group and Domino Records and many students have gone on to get jobs just from going up to a guest lecturer and having a chat afterwards.
Course Leader of BA (Hons) Music Business, James Hannam is sat in the Spark building at Solent University talking to camera.
We cover every topic from kind of, music promotion to artist management and putting on your own live shows, artist branding, so there's definitely a career path for everyone to kind of find and it all interlinks as well.
Student of BA (Hons) Music Business, Elodie Junkere is sat in the Spark building at Solent University talking to camera.
The course really helps you prepare for your future career as it really...not only does it encourage you to get out there, they also kind of give you the opportunity to meet new people. They also will give you lots of advice in starting up your own business, I've started up my own record label recently and that was all from the knowledge from this course, so that was really like, really helped that and benefited from that.
Student of BA (Hons) Music Business, Matt Clark is sat in the Spark building at Solent University talking to camera.
You get to do a lot of networking which is really important in the music industry - who you know is everything and so you get to meet people you know, in different years and different courses. The lecturers always know everyone, you know, if there's any assignment where you need to work with somebody, the lecturers always say, 'I know loads of people if you need any help', and that's always really good.
Student of BA (Hons) Music Business, Connie Wilkinson is sat in the Spark building at Solent University talking to camera.
We have excellent facilities in the city centre and linked to that we also have very strong links with the local music industry, which leads to opportunities for our students to take on some work experience.
Course Leader of BA (Hons) Music Business, James Hannam is sat in the Spark building at Solent University talking to camera.
Whether it's helping out on the door, selling merchandise at a gig, at a local venue, he will pass the information on to students and often it's paid which is handy but also it's such a great opportunity to see how the music industry works behind the scenes.
Student of BA (Hons) Music Business, Elodie Junkere is sat in the Spark building at Solent University talking to camera.
There aren't any written exams so it's all very practical and it's more coursework based and so if you don't get on well with exam situations which I know a lot of people don't - I personally don't get on very well with that in terms of just learning blocks and blocks of content and facts - that's really helpful.
Student of BA (Hons) Music Business, Connie Wilkinson is sat in the Spark building at Solent University talking to camera.
So some of our graduates have gone on to work at companies such as Universal, Warner, Sony, Spotify, Dirty Hit, Live Nation, Miloco Studios and the O2 arena.
Course Leader of BA (Hons) Music Business, James Hannam is sat in the Spark building at Solent University talking to camera. Interspersed are cutaways to students at a music careers fair at Solent University.
When we eventually go out and get a full-time job in the music industry, we have all this, we have this portfolio which we're going to show others and say; 'hey this is why you want to hire me'.
Student of BA (Hons) Music Business, Matt Clark is sat in the Spark building at Solent University talking to camera.
Upbeat music plays, then fades out. Cuts to graphic that says, 'Get ready for university',, fades down, and fades up Solent University logo. [Video ends]