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Why study BEng (Hons) Electronic Engineering transcript

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Electronic engineering as a science is developing rapidly. Almost everything we use on a day-to-day basis from our mobile phones to our watches, has some form of electronic component. Our Electronic Engineering degree will prepare you for a career in industry where you're designing and building these components, and linking them together into mechanical and electronic engineering systems, such as robotics.
Head of Engineering, Jonathan Ridley is sat in an electronic engineering lab talking to camera. Upbeat music plays in the background.
When I was young I always wanted to be able to like, build robots and things and now that I know more about it, like, I do enjoy the electronics and component side of things way more than I thought I would.
Student of BEng (Hons) Electronic Engineering, David Hamlyn is stood in the Spark building at Solent University talking to camera.
The science of electronic engineering has developed rapidly in the last few years. The availability of microprocessor systems such as Arduino's and Raspberry Pi's, means that we can program and design to a much higher level of detail.
Head of Engineering, Jonathan Ridley is sat in an electronic engineering lab talking to camera. Interspersed are shots of the Solent University robot, 'Baxter'.
I specifically chose electronic engineering because I knew it was quite math intensive and I quite enjoyed the math side of things, so I was quite excited to do that.
Student of BEng (Hons) Electronic Engineering, David Hamlyn is stood in the Spark building at Solent University talking to camera.
The course will have a focus on some of the underpinning theory that you need as a professional engineer along with the underpinning mathematics and the underpinning physics. It will also look at the use of embedded systems, how we can use Raspberry Pi's and Arduino's as part of engineering systems, and will allow you to build up a complete knowledge so you can look at a problem and design a solution to it.
Head of Engineering, Jonathan Ridley is sat in an electronic engineering lab talking to camera. Interspersed are shots of students working at the computer and making notes in a notebook.
So far I absolutely love the work we're doing. For me it's a great benefit because I actually get to use these skills and get to use what we've learned and what we've been taught within my actual day job. So I'm actually a part-time student at Solent University, I come down every Tuesday to do my lessons and my courses. I am actually an electronic engineer whereby I look at embedded systems.
Student of BEng (Hons) Electronic Engineering, Amy Lambden is stood in the electronic engineering lab at Solent University talking to camera.
One of the highlights of the course for students is designing and building small robots. These are line following robots that race around a predetermined race track. We then put obstacles in their way and they have to use ultrasound sensors and programming to move around them and avoid a collision.
Head of Engineering, Jonathan Ridley is sat in an electronic engineering lab talking to camera. Interspersed are shots of students working with robots.
And for me I can actually take this back to work and understand and dive deeper into the work that I'm doing and show that my understanding is more capable with the level that I'm at with my day job.
Student of BEng (Hons) Electronic Engineering, Amy Lambden is stood in the electronic engineering lab at Solent University talking to camera.
As part of the assessment for this course, you'll build and race these robots and really understand how theory translates into practice.
Head of Engineering, Jonathan Ridley is sat in an electronic engineering lab talking to camera.
It's been a great learning curve because for me I'm not used to using Arduino code or Arduino ID. I'm used to using different platforms at work, so being able to expand my knowledge has been brilliant.
Student of BEng (Hons) Electronic Engineering, Amy Lambden is stood in the electronic engineering lab at Solent University talking to camera.
Throughout the course there'll be a focus on how you can use what you've learned in industry. Your coursework and assessments will have a practical focus in terms of work that simulates industry and will prepare you, ready for a job at the end of graduation.
Head of Engineering, Jonathan Ridley is sat in an electronic engineering lab talking to camera.
Second year has been extremely hands-on and you get to like really explore subjects on your own as opposed to being led through them, which I think is great.
Student of BEng (Hons) Electronic Engineering, David Hamlyn is stood in the Spark building at Solent University talking to camera.
In the final year of the course you'll be able to undertake your own research project looking at a certain topic of your choice and researching it in depth, either as a scientific principle, or as an application to a problem.
Head of Engineering, Jonathan Ridley is sat in an electronic engineering lab talking to camera.
One of my favourite things is to go into the lab and mess with all the equipment and you literally get like, hands on everything, like, all the way from like, an Arduino mini to like, literally the digital oscilloscopes and like whatever you want is in the lab for you to use, whenever.
Student of BEng (Hons) Electronic Engineering, David Hamlyn is stood in the Spark building at Solent University talking to camera.
We have some fantastic facilities, including our control systems laboratory, I'm stood in at the moment, and a dedicated electronics engineering laboratory. We also have some computing laboratories that you can use for programming to hone your skills and learn how to program some systems like Raspberry Pi's and Arduino's.
Head of Engineering, Jonathan Ridley is sat in an electronic engineering lab talking to camera.
If you're doing your own project building a robot or like making an app or whatever the case may be, you can literally come in every day of the week and just sit in the back of the lab and do whatever you want and we've got the technicians there they'll literally just give you the equipment, so super helpful when you're trying to get a project done that's not like, it's not part of the syllabus.
Student of BEng (Hons) Electronic Engineering, David Hamlyn is stood in the Spark building at Solent University talking to camera.
The staff on our electronic engineering degree come from a range of backgrounds, with some having an academic background and some having an applied background having worked in industry. This means that during the course you'll be exposed to a range of different ideas and viewpoints, allowing you to build and construct your knowledge from a different set of perspectives.
Head of Engineering, Jonathan Ridley is sat in an electronic engineering lab talking to camera.
I feel that at Solent you've been prepared for industry quite well because a lot of the teachers and professors that have taught here or do teach here, actually came from a long background in industry, some just from research, but a lot of them have been in industry for a long time and have then come here to teach once they've got their doctrine or something along those lines. So a lot of the time when you're doing laboratories they'll explain how it actually works in industry and how you would make this applicable.
Student of BEng (Hons) Electronic Engineering, David Hamlyn is stood in the Spark building at Solent University talking to camera.
The staff in our department have a really good network of professional connections which allows us to bring in guest lectures and guest speakers and allows us to bring in some live briefs for assessments. As part of our course you will be exposed to industry and you'll be able to understand from an early point how the industry works and how your skills as a professional engineer fit in.
Head of Engineering, Jonathan Ridley is sat in an electronic engineering lab talking to camera.
There's a large focus on making sure that you have a good career path ahead of you, outside of the university and afterwards. They'll constantly be trying to get you to do summer internships and things along those lines so just constantly making sure that you're prepared as possible for the future road ahead.
Student of BEng (Hons) Electronic Engineering, David Hamlyn is stood in the Spark building at Solent University talking to camera.
Upbeat music plays, then fades out. Cuts to graphic that says, 'Get ready for university',, fades down, and fades up Solent University logo. [Video ends]