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Why study BSc (Hons) Construction Management transcript

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The construction industry is an absolutely amazing industry to get into, purely because of the variety of roles involved. There seems to be a bit of misconception that it's just muddy boots, building houses but there's so much more to it than that. There is something for everybody. If you are creative, there's design, if you like numbers there's cost management and there's also the practical element if you're after site based roles. Construction projects are very very unique in nature, so no day's ever the same. What you find is you go past somewhere and said 'I built that', and that is so, so rewarding.
Course Leader of BSc (Hons) Construction Management, Andy Dodson is stood in the Spark building at Solent University talking to camera.
My studies are helping me prepare for, the sort of, construction industry in a whole because it's such a broad subject and we're studying a lot of different aspects of construction. So we've started with economics, so not only is that helpful for construction, but just for general life as an adult it's been really interesting. The course sort of, opens you up to lots of different avenues and different prospects and the lecturers sort of, you know, give you an overall view of what you potentially do. So, you do feel like, you know, you're entering to find a career in this in this industry.
Student of BSc (Hons) Construction Management, Charlotte Hodder, is stood in the Spark building at Solent University.
Here at Solent University, we do have quite a wide variety of facilities, so we have materials testing laboratories, we've also just heavily invested in our land surveying equipment, so we've got a range of levels and things like that. We have a quite a good range of I.T. here, so we've got dedicated I.T. facilities with this kind of software packages which you'll find in the industry, such as Autocad, Bluebeam which is a cost management program and Microsoft Project. The library is absolutely amazing, again we have access to databases which companies do pay thousands for and you get it, just being a student here.
Course Leader of BSc (Hons) Construction Management, Andy Dodson is stood in the Spark building at Solent University talking to camera.
Best thing about facilities at the university, is the fact, that there is a large campus and there's lots of places that you can go and do work, hang out with friends and The spark building which is the building we're in at the moment is really impressive, it's got lots of floors, so you can get away to do quite a bit of study, or just catch up with your friends.
Student of BSc (Hons) Construction Management, Charlotte Hodder, is stood in the Spark building at Solent University.
We are very much focussed on developing real world skills. Our staff - we all have industry experience, so we we know what its like - the challenges on a day-to-day basis. So, we collaborate with our industry partners too, they help facilitate the learning, they help provide case studies which almost all our assignments are based on. So, it's not just a case of repeating theory verbatim it's really focussed on these applications of knowledge.
Course Leader of BSc (Hons) Construction Management, Andy Dodson is stood in the Spark building at Solent University talking to camera.
The best thing about my course lecturers is the fact that they're very approachable, so they are available not only during your class time but on campus and also via the Solent online portal so you can message them outside of university time, so if you've got any queries with assignments, you can go to them and not worry about it throughout the week. And they're also normal human beings and they make the courses and the lectures really interactive and they're not reading off a slide and they're not dull so, for me that's a positive.
Student of BSc (Hons) Construction Management, Charlotte Hodder, is stood in the Spark building at Solent University.
Our industry partners around here are very, very supportive so we have summer placements, both locally and on a wider field, we are quite heavily involved with the Chartered Institute of Building, so we have both global and regional student challenges. Some of the local companies also help provide additional training so, providing courses which normally students have to pay like £500 for once they graduate and they provide them free because they recognise the importance of developing people coming into our industry.
Course Leader of BSc (Hons) Construction Management, Andy Dodson is stood in the Spark building at Solent University talking to camera.
What I'm looking forward to next is the sustainability module because that's very current at the moment with COP26 and generally what's going on in our world so I think that one will be quite insightful but also where our career is really heading in the construction industry is sustainability and making sure that we are protecting our future.
Student of BSc (Hons) Construction Management, Charlotte Hodder, is stood in the Spark building at Solent University.
Upbeat music plays, then fades out. Cuts to graphic of animated colourful graphic, that fades down, and Solent University logo fades up as well as text, [Video ends]