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Why study maritime business and shipping transcript

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I really love studying at Solent University, it is great, we have a really good connection to our teachers and to our classmates and just experience overall, it has been really good for me.
Maritime Business student, Sarah Malmquist is stood in the Spark Building at Solent University talking to camera. Upbeat music plays in the background.
So with a Maritime Business degree you'll have all of the same opportunities as anybody with an ordinary business degree, so yes you can go into human resources, you can go into finance, but the more specialist areas you'll go into would be things like chartering and brokering. So essentially, you know, being the people who buy the space on the ship or put the goods onto the ship and the commodities, you could also be involved in the day-to-day operation and running of the ships, making sure that the ships are going from the right port, so from the supply area, to the demand area, to the destination. Other jobs you could do would include perhaps working in marine insurance.
Course Leader of Maritime Business, Nickie Butt, is stood in the Spark Building at Solent University talking to camera.
I thought that Solent course was the most appropriate and the best in the UK and also Europe, so also the course reputation was really attracted me actually.
Maritime Business student, Andrea Iguera is stood in the Spark Building at Solent University talking to camera.
Solent University had a great reputation in Norway and in the maritime industry. I had some knowledge from the maritime industry before choosing my studies and I always heard great things about Solent as a university and about Southampton as a maritime city.
Maritime Business Alumnus, Christopher Rasmussen is stood in the Spark Building at Solent University talking to camera.
I found the course really interesting, especially love the teachers, they have so much experience and they have like, been in the industry before so, what they're saying is more like trustworthy because I know they're talking in experience and they have some good stories as well.
Student BSc (Hons) Shipping and Port Management, Madeline Remmer is stood in the Spark Building at Solent University talking to camera.
Rather than just focusing on the core and key skills of a business degree, we look at those, but we look them in the maritime context. So if you're doing something like strategic management we'll look at how shipping companies are managed and also how the ships themselves are managed, so it's very very specialised.
Course Leader of Maritime Business, Nickie Butt, is stood in the Spark Building at Solent University talking to camera.
The lecturers here are really good, the teachers are really good with like, giving us real life examples, teaching us about how it actually is out in the field and not just like, how it would be in the textbooks, which gives us like, a better view of the situation which I think is great.
Maritime Business student, Sarah Malmquist is stood in the Spark Building at Solent University talking to camera.
Solent definitely lived up to its reputation, it was a great time to be a student here and the combination of having a maritime network around the university and also having teachers coming from the industry and having industry background definitely added something special to to my education.
Maritime Business Alumnus, Christopher Rasmussen is stood in the Spark Building at Solent University talking to camera.
It was kind of both practical and the academic there's the good amount my opinion of theoretical studies and practical one, so yes I think it's a kind of good mix and we had the opportunity to have a lot of speakers to come to the university, we had a lot of people coming from like, Carnival or external speakers from London's ship broking firm so which was really nice actually.
Maritime Business student, Andrea Iguera is stood in the Spark Building at Solent University talking to camera.
One of the highlights, really, for the maritime degrees, is the maritime conference and this happens annually and what we do is we get speakers from across the industry to come in and speak about what is really current and important at this point in time. So these are really high level speakers that we get in, so managing directors of companies, highly respected academics. We also encourage our graduates and our alumni to come in and speak to the students, so they'll give the students first-hand experience of how they got their job, what they're doing now and the opportunities that are available to them.
Course Leader of Maritime Business, Nickie Butt, is stood in the Spark Building at Solent University talking to camera.
When we have like, guest lectures here I've met a few people and they have told us about their experience and what they did after Solent, because some of them studied here.
Maritime Business student, Sarah Malmquist is stood in the Spark Building at Solent University talking to camera.
It's about network, it's about knowing people, it's about interacting with people and being at Solent, graduating from Solent and I already had a great network of people in the shipping industry and and working for different companies in various parts of the maritime maritime world, so having that network from university gave me a solid foundation when I entered into my new role as a ship broker.
Maritime Business Alumnus, Christopher Rasmussen is stood in the Spark Building at Solent University talking to camera.
So there's a vast network of graduates out across the world I believe at last count, we had students in 75 different countries, so this is the network that current students can rely on for their sort of, contacts in the future.
Course Leader of Maritime Business, Nickie Butt, is stood in the Spark Building at Solent University talking to camera.
Yeah I'm in something called vista and we have a mentorship, like mentee/mentor mentorship and each month I am having a meeting with my mentor and we discuss my future and maybe she will help me get a foot in the industry, because I have no shipping families or nothing, so this will probably help me in this area.
Student BSc (Hons) Shipping and Port Management, Madeline Remmer is stood in the Spark Building at Solent University talking to camera.
We had the opportunity I remember during the first year, to go to the I.M.O which is the International Maritime Organisation in London. It was like a bus trip, it was a day trip, but it was very interesting especially after just two months that you started the course you had a more comprehensive overview of how like, the shipping industry in the UK structure and all over the world. So we were able to attend this kind of conference.
Maritime Business student, Andrea Iguera is stood in the Spark Building at Solent University talking to camera.
One of the great things about Solent is that it's based in a maritime city, so we are surrounded by companies in the maritime industry, so walking out the door of university and look around, there are plenty of opportunities to get work experience. Myself, I had work experience in Southampton, combined that with my studies, which gave me great advantage later on applying for jobs.
Maritime Business Alumnus, Christopher Rasmussen is stood in the Spark Building at Solent University talking to camera.
We've had students go to BRS in Switzerland, we have students who have gone out to work in Singapore, some of them have gone to work in the port industries, so maybe in Malaysia, in Singapore, in the UK. Further we also have students who go and work for big global corporations like DHL, so they get involved and they start off in their graduate schemes and then progress onwards.
Course Leader of Maritime Business, Nickie Butt, is stood in the Spark Building at Solent University talking to camera.
Shipping is a global industry, so you have to be flexible and be able to broaden your horizon and look around the world, so I applied for jobs around the world, I was lucky to to get the position a trainee position with a company called BRS based in Geneva in Switzerland and I started there as a trainee I sailed on a tanker for three months in West Africa across the Atlantic, I spent almost one year working in shipyards around the world, really getting hands-on experience, which has been invaluable for me later on in my career.
Maritime Business Alumnus, Christopher Rasmussen is stood in the Spark Building at Solent University talking to camera.
So really, it's a huge world out there and you could pretty much find a shipping job, or a logistics job, or related job, anywhere.
Course Leader of Maritime Business, Nickie Butt, is stood in the Spark Building at Solent University talking to camera.
And they do a lot to give us students opportunities to experience something else, not just like the normal day-to-day life and that is really great.
Maritime Business student, Sarah Malmquist is stood in the Spark Building at Solent University talking to camera.
Upbeat music plays, then fades out. Cuts to graphic of animated colourful graphic, that fades down, and Solent University logo fades up as well as text, [Video ends]