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Solent's vision for mental health and wellbeing 2018-2025

Solent University's vision for mental health and wellbeing is a strategic and university-wide approach to mental health and wellbeing, that ensures students and staff are supported to thrive, succeed and achieve their potential.

In order to realise this vision the University will:

1. Make mental health and wellbeing an ongoing strategic priority, by:

  • Identifying current and baseline best practice, resources and assets.
  • Embedding mental health and wellbeing within core University business at leadership, policy and planning levels.
  • Committing to developing clear guidance on how concerns about mental health will be addressed and prioritised.

2. Follow a University-wide approach to mental health and wellbeing, informed by the UUK Stepchange framework and the Health and Safety Executive’s Management Standards, including strong partnership-working and continuous improvement, by:

  • Communicating our mental health and wellbeing vision to all stakeholders, and updating them regularly and annually through World Mental Health Day.

Find out more about the UUK Stepchange framework

Find out more about the Health and Safety Executive's Management Standards

3. Promote positive and preventative mental health and wellbeing with early intervention, by:

  • Maintaining a work, study and living environment where stakeholders feel empowered to discuss and report any mental health and wellbeing difficulties.
  • Creating a new mental health and wellbeing resources for students and staff that provides awareness-raising, advice, support and self-help.
  • Providing mental health and wellbeing ‘literacy’ and ‘first aid’ training for all relevant staff.

4. Run mental health and wellbeing initiatives to support the student and staff journey, including:

  • Promoting healthy behaviour; for example, in relation to physical activity, sleep, nutrition, stress and substance abuse.
  • Increasing opportunities to engage in the evidence-based ‘five ways to wellbeing’ model:

1. Connect
2. Be active
3. Take notice
4. Keep learning
5. Give.

Find out more about's five ways to wellbeing model

  • Providing stronger mental health and wellbeing support throughout all parts of the student and staff journey, including student pre-arrival and welcome, and staff induction
  • Developing the curriculum and teaching, learning and assessment methods to optimise mental health and wellbeing, recognising neurodiversity, while maintaining academic standards.

The University also offers a number of advice services relating to general student welfare including, mental health, wellbeing, relationships, alcohol and drugs.

Further information about relevant advice services available at the University can be found on the Solent Students' Union page.