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Clearing 2024 is now open

Anti-bribery policy

In line with the Bribery Act (2010), the University has updated its financial regulations, developed an anti-bribery policy and produced a guidance note for staff, including a new section on donations.

Key elements of Solent's policy are:

  • Provisions covering gifts and hospitality, both given and received (including the limits above which a report should be made, and how to make such a report).
  • Clarification on donations practice, ie,:
    • The University does not make political donations.
    • Any donations to charities must be approved by a director of school or service director.

Although the University may be regarded as 'lower risk' than some commercial organisations, further work within the University is required in key areas, for example, contracts with agents involved in recruitment of overseas students will need some amendment during this academic year.

Please contact Finance Systems for the anti bribery policy (