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Postgraduate conversion courses

What are postgraduate conversion courses?

These are postgraduate courses that allow applicants from all academic disciplines to apply for the course, ie, you do not need to have studied that subject area before. You will, of course, need to show an interest in that subject and meet the general entry requirements. 

Students in the Jane Austen lecture theatre

What are postgraduate conversion courses?

These are postgraduate courses that allow applicants from all academic disciplines to apply for the course, ie, you do not need to have studied that subject area before. You will, of course, need to show an interest in that subject and meet the general entry requirements. 

Students in the Jane Austen lecture theatre

Why study a conversion course?

They offer a great opportunity to study a subject that can complement your undergraduate course, adding to your knowledge and skills; or to diversity your knowledge, expand your experience and learn something completely new.

They could also provide you with more employability options due to your breadth of knowledge. You'll benefit from a range of perspectives on the course, from the variety of student backgrounds, and allow you to expand your network.