Online apprenticeships to develop future leaders
Southampton Solent University has launched its online apprenticeship offering.
10 February 20259 December 2022
Civic Exchange Network launches
Wednesday 7 December 2022 saw Solent University launch its Civic Exchange Network on campus. Designed to bring together our local communities and provide a neutral platform for knowledge exchange and innovation, the evening welcomed over 35 representatives from partners and community-based organisations including faith groups, charities, educational establishments, and local businesses, exploring the topic of ‘Lifelong learning - building a community of welcome’.
Hosted by Paul Woodman, Trustee of Southampton City of Sanctuary, the event posed a series of questions around the challenges people face seeking sanctuary when they first arrive in the city. This included trying to define what the language of welcome is and identifying how and where people can find out about local services and cultural activities across the city.
Professor Karen Stanton, Solent University Vice-Chancellor, said “We are delighted to launch our Civic Exchange Network today, which forms one of our commitments we set out to bring our students, staff, and external communities together in an environment that enables future innovation and collaboration. Solent is driving to secure University of Sanctuary status in 2023, and so it is fitting our first discussions focuses on this important subject.”
During the evening, delegates also heard from three of our second year BA (Hons) Acting and Performance students Rebecca Leonard, Benjamin Seed, and Georgia D’Cruze, who have been working in collaboration with community partners, Southampton and Winchester Visitors Group (SWVG), and World Stages Now on a live brief which has been called Hopes & Dreams.
Hopes & Dreams showcases a series of 20-minute performances, which have been developed from a range of creative pieces produced by 45 people seeking sanctuary who attended a student led Community Creative Art Day held at Solent in October 2022. The day explored the themes of welcome across communities and individuals hopes and dreams for the future. The final performances took place at the end of the term, with the students assessed as part of their course.
Finally, our next Civic Exchange Network will be taking place on Thursday 9 March 2023 between 8.30am – 10am and will focus on creating healthy and active communities. If you would like to suggest a topic area, or have a project or programme you would like to share, please contact the Communities Development Team on engagement@solent.ac.uk. To register your attendance please click here.