Abstract submissions for the BASES Biomechanics Interest Group (BIG) 2021 Meeting has now closed. Please do not submit any further abstracts as they will not be reviewed. However, you can still register to attend this free event here.
Please submit your abstract to: basesbig2021@solent.ac.uk
When submitting your abstract to basesbig2021@solent.ac.uk please use the following format for your submission file: your name (eg, Mike Smith) followed by BASESBIG2021 abstract, followed by your choice of submission (free or poster) – so this would then read: Mike Smith_BASESBIG2021 abstract_Free Communication. Please also use this format to title your email as this will significantly speed up the reviewing process.
Abstract guidelines
We invite abstracts in the following biomechanics-related themes:
- Sports Biomechanics
- Clinical Biomechanics
- Sports Technology (including wearables etc)
- Strength and Conditioning
- Motor Behaviour (Learning/Control)
Abstracts should be no more than 400 words, containing no tables or figures, sub-headings or paragraph breaks. Word counts are calculated using the word count tool in Word. Abstract title, authors and institutions are not considered in calculating the wordage.
Studies using qualitative and/or quantitative methods are invited.
Meta-analyses and systematic reviews are invited, but literature reviews are not permitted.
Download the guidelines on free communication presentations
Download the guidelines on how to prepare a poster
Sample abstract submission
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