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Clearing 2024 is now open

Dr Ahlem Lezerad


Department of Social Sciences and Nursing

Dr Ahlem Lezerad, Lecturer


Ahlem is a lecturer in criminology. After completing a BA in Social Sciences and Teaching in France, she completed her PhD from De Montfort University in 2020. Before joining Solent University, Ahlem worked as a lecturer at Portsmouth University and the University of Southampton. 

Ahlem's research is interdisciplinary, intersecting across several disciplines such as criminology, sociology and sociopsychology.

She has a particular interest in radicalisation/extremism, terrorism, state war and geopolitics, the criminal justice system, and serious and sexual offenders.

Further information

Ahlem secured an internship at the Welsh government in 2012-13, where she worked as a social researcher. She conducted and designed a national large-scale project that indirectly looked at crime and other keys issues in order to establish how key relevant partners can come and work together with the same objectives and vision for their counties. The findings of this study were published by the Welsh Government, thus fulfilling its purpose of advice and recommendations.

Taught courses

BA (Hons) Criminology

If you are curious about crime and justice with ambitions to shape society, this degree opens career opportunities in a range of roles across prisons and court services, policing, or investigation.