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Dr Aref Kyyaly


Department of Science and Engineering

Dr Aref Kyyaly, Lecturer


Dr Aref Kyyaly has a PhD in Biochemistry. Aref was appointed as lecturer in biochemistry/biotechnology at Aleppo University from 2009 to 2014 before joining the University of Nottingham as a research associate within the faculty of biological sciences. In 2015 Aref joined the University of Southampton as a research fellow. Finally, he joined Solent University as a lecturer in biomedical science in 2021.

During his journey, Aref worked on different projects as well as teaching and supervising undergraduate and postgraduate students. He lectured in molecular biology, genetic engineering, biochemistry and more at Aleppo University. In the UK, Aref worked on different research projects and published high quality papers.

He worked on gene cloning and protein expression in anaphylaxis. This project was funded by Qatar Foundation, Qatar.

Later, Aref worked on a project looking for epigenetic changes in asthma patients. This project was funded by NIH, USA

Aref is currently working on micro RNAs changes in asthma patients and using micro RNAs as diagnostic biomarkers for asthma diagnosis and severity assessment. This project is funded by Asthma UK/Innovate UK.

Further information

During his work, Aref supervised several graduation projects, MSc, and PhD students. He also helped in teaching, marking and assessing both undergraduate and postgraduate students:

  • 2019-2021: MSc Allergy marker- Marking MSc Allergy students’ projects – University of Southampton.
  • 2019-2021: Year 3 Student Selected Unit (SSU) Allergy tutor/teaching assistant
  • 2017-2021: Tutor, facilitator, Biomedical Students BM4, BM5, BM6 – Faculty of Medicine – University of Southampton.
  • 2009-2014: Lecturer in Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, Yeast Biotechnology and Systems Biology courses – Department of Biotechnology – Faculty of Technology Engineering – Aleppo University.

Taught courses

BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science

Biomedical scientists are at the forefront of diagnosing and treating diseases. Our biomedical science degree will give you the lab and research skills to help drive modern medicine.