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Clearing 2024 is now open

Dr Dina Santos

Associate Lecturer

Department of Social Sciences and Nursing

Dr Dina Santos, Associate Lecturer, Sociology


After completing her BA (Hons) in Spanish and Portuguese Studies and an MA in Marketing at Portsmouth University, Dina graduated with a master’s in Transnational Studies (Southampton University) and in 2010 she was awarded a PhD from the University of Southampton on transnational (Cuban/European) relationships. Her research explored love, sexual and economic relationships between Cubans and Europeans and it examined race, gender and migration in contemporary Cuban society. Dina is a member of the Cuban Research Forum.

Dina has taught sociology since 2006 in various further education colleges, and has also worked as the equality, diversity and inclusion co-ordinator in a sixth form college since 2014.

Further information

Dina has supervised BSc Sociology dissertations and has taught criminology and sociology modules, as well as Latin American history and politics.  

Taught courses

BA (Hons) Sociology

An exciting subject, sociology challenges the world in which we live, including politics, media and social inequality. Get practical experience to work in public and private sectors.