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Dr Julian Lass

Associate Lecturer

Department of Art and Music

Picture of Solent academic Julian Lass


Dr. Julian Lass is an experienced university lecturer. He has a PhD in Fine Art, Photography and Art Writing from the Royal College of Art. He has an MA in Photography (Distinction) from University of the Arts London, and an MA in English Literature (First Class) from the University of Edinburgh.

Julian’s commercial clients include The Guardian, Geographical Magazine, Telegraph Magazine, Times Weekend, Google, BBC, Index on Censorship, and The Radio Times amongst others. Writing clients include the Telegraph Magazine, the British Journal of Photography, Bright Publishing, Photo District News, Photomonitor, Flash Art and many others. He has been a Picture Researcher for Taschen books and Technical Editor for Photography Monthly.

Further information

The British Journal of Photography, Guardian, Geographical Magazine, Telegraph Magazine, Times Weekend, Google, BBC, Index on Censorship, The Radio Times, Bright Publishing, Photo District News, Photomonitor, Flash Art.

Taught courses

BA (Hons) Photography

Focus your creative vision and develop your ideas using a range of large and medium format cameras, digital editing suites and even traditional film processing facilities.