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Clearing 2024 is now open

Patrick Ainsworth

Course Leader

Department of Art and Music

Picture of Patrick Ainsworth


Patrick Ainsworth is a senior lecturer in popular music and course leader for BA (Hons) Popular Music Performance and Production.

Formerly a self-taught guitarist, he studied jazz, popular and commercial music at Newcastle School of Music. Following this he worked as a guitar teacher and ensemble director as well as performing in, writing for, and recording various bands on the South Coast.

After successfully setting up a popular music/music technology department he became head of performing arts at Fareham College in Hampshire. Alongside this he has acted as an educational consultant for the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority and Southampton City Council Adult Learning and has written units for the Edexcel BTEC National Diplomas in music.

New projects include the writing and implementation of a new degree programme – BA (Hons) Popular Music Performance and Production and a research project focused on technology enhanced reflective learning.

Patrick is currently writing a PhD investigating microtiming and groove in music.

Further information

Patrick's industry experience includes numerous performances and educational consultancies.

Taught courses

BMus (Hons) Popular Music Performance

Take your passion for playing and performing skills to the next stage - join Solent’s community of creatives and learn from a dedicated team of professional musicians, composers and producers.

BA (Hons) Popular Music Performance and Production

Play and produce your tracks. Combining performance techniques and studio recording skills, using digital and analogue studios, this degree is ideal to help launch your career in the music industry.