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Clearing 2024 is now open

Susan Hawker
LLB (Hons), LLM

Course Leader

Warsash Maritime School

Susan Hawker


Susan is the course leader of the Post Graduate Diploma in International Trade & Maritime Law in Solent University’s Warsash Maritime School. Susan is also the course leader of the BSc in Shipping, Trade & Transport at HST Akademie Hamburg. In addition, she is a visiting Professor at Bologna University (Italy), and visiting lecturer at Cass Business School (City University) and Westminster University Law School. Susan also lectures for the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers’ (ICS) London Shipping School and the Athens Branch of the ICS. In addition to her academic work, Susan speaks at and chairs commercial shipping seminars, and undertakes in-house legal training.

Further information

Susan has a high profile in the shipping industry, and regularly chairs and speaks at seminars organised by the ICS, Informa, Gafta and City law firms. Follow the link below to find out more about Susan's industry background.

Between 1989 and 1991, Susan was a claims advisor with CISBA P&I Club (then part of the Tindal Riley partnership).

Between 1991 and1993, she established a start-up educational project for the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers with the Hogeschool Rotterdam & Omstreken (the Netherlands).

Susan delivers bespoke training programmes to commercial organisations on a national and international basis, as in recently:

  • February 2016 for the Grain & Feed Trade Association, Minneapolis
  • March 2016 for the Grain & Feed Trade Association and CBH Perth (Australia)
  • November 2018 for Thomas Miller (P&I), London