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What does it mean to be future ready?

Every student who studies with us through the lifetime of this strategy will be prepared for future success. Through their hard work and our support, they will be enabled to reach their full potential. They will be ready for a future world that will be very different from the one we have come to know. A world challenged by, for example, climate change, future pandemics, and misinformation. But also, a world of exciting opportunities created by new technologies and the development of new industries.

As a future-ready university, we will educate graduates who can meet the challenges of the future and seize the opportunities it holds

Our graduates will be 'futureproofed' by the curriculum we offer and the resilience and agility we develop in them.

Fashion and fashion photography students in the studio

Throughout this strategy when we refer to future-ready students and student success this applies to all the different types of students who are part of our community. This includes undergraduates, postgraduates, apprentices, and cadets. No matter the level of student or type of qualification, as a university we will focus on preparing them for the future and enabling them to reach their full potential.

Being future-ready also means being proactive and creating a better future. We will do this through our research, knowledge exchange, volunteering, and partnerships. The culture this strategy seeks to foster will encourage students and staff to look outward and forward.
