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Clearing 2024 is now open

Students with dependants

If you have children/dependants and are considering studying at university full-time, you may be eligible for further funding.


These grants have been put in place by the government to support students with dependants.

You will need to complete an estimation of costs form CCG1 and a confirmation of costs form CCG2 to receive this support.

There are also grants and bursaries available from the University.


Most full-time students cannot claim benefits. However, some students may be eligible (lone parents/disabled students) during term time and may be able to claim in full over the summer - please check with a student funding adviser for more information.

Benefits available to eligible students:

  • Child Tax Credit (CTC) for students who have care of children.
  • Income Support - can be claimed during July and August ONLY (provided that their youngest child is under the age of five during the academic year) along with full Housing Benefit (HB), if eligible. Also a new application for Child Tax Credit is recommended.
  • Jobseekers Allowance can only be claimed during July and August ONLY (if their youngest child is over five years old) along with full Housing Benefit (HB), if eligible. Also a new application for Child Tax Credit is recommended.
  • Housing Benefit.
  • Working Tax credit.
  • Child Benefit.
  • Universal Credit.