Supporting disadvantaged learners
Step into Success is the Solent University widening participation programme, which aims to support progression to higher education for disadvantaged learners. The programme works with learners in schools and colleges from years 5 to 13, in addition to targeted community groups. Participants in the programme have access to a variety of activities, events and resources which aim to raise awareness of higher education, raise career aspirations, and support educational attainment.
The programme aligns with our Access and Participation Plan, working with schools, colleges, virtual schools, and local community organisations. The programme is inclusive, however we prioritise learners who:
- are from areas of either low income household, low socio-economic status, and/or high deprivation.
- are from a neighbourhood of low participation in HE.
- are from Black, Asian and Minority ethnic groups (BAME).
- are in care or care leavers.
- are from underrepresented groups or facing other barriers including:
- mature learners,
- learners with disabilities,
- learners from military service families,
- learners that are estranged from their families,
- learners who are refugees,
- learners that are young carers,
- learners from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities.

Programme themes
The programmes integrate themes around careers, progression, school attainment and higher education, with strong links to the national curriculum and the Gatsby Benchmarks. We have on- and off-campus delivery options, in addition to virtual events.
We work prominently with targeted partner schools/colleges and community organisations, however, where possible, we will support disadvantaged learners from other settings (including access to many of our events).
Please take a look below at the activities we have available and email us should you have any queries or wish to be involved. Further large events for all are listed on our events page. You can also keep up-to-date by signing up to our widening participation newsletter.
Solent has been proactive in designing a programme specifically for our young people. They recognise the significant barriers that care experienced young people may have and offer innovative strategies to engage and support, not only the young people, but their carers too.
Our widening participation activities
We offer a number of engaging activities for disadvantaged learners. Find out what's currently available.
Career Detectives
A 1-hour workshop exploring different career journeys, including an interactive game and discussions to spark inspiration.
Available to: Partner schools
Time of year: All year
Format: Physical
Wow Assembly
A 20-minute assembly delivered by a Solent academic for year 5 and 6 which introduces learners to a specific industry and career path.
Available to: Partner schools
Time of year: All year
Format: Physical or online
Working with Solent has given an insight to so many of our students across the city, enabling them to see the potential that a higher qualification brings, opening the doors to opportunities local, national and international.

Get in touch
If you would like more information about Step Into Success, or would like to work with us, please do get in touch.
Email us