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Mahmoud Haghdousti
Chief Engineer (Unlimited), MSc, SFHEA

Senior Lecturer

Warsash Maritime School

Mahmoud Haghdousti, Lecturer


Mahmoud is a senior lecturer in marine engineering and is enthusiastic about embracing continual improvements to the student experience. He has taught across many MCA/SQA approved courses and academic courses since joining Warsash Maritime School in 2019.

He is a senior fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy and, before joining Solent University, Mahmoud served as senior management of a maritime institution and as director of training and research, as well as dean in the years 2006 to 2019 (MTI), during which time he gained valuable experience in leadership, strategic management, and administration of training centre activities, as well as staff development, quality assurance of the training process, and application of information and communication technologies in training centre management services and resources for improved organizational performance.

To keep up-to-date in the very dynamic world of rules, regulations and conventions, Mahmoud was a member of the working and drafting group and made positive participation and contribution in the STCW/HTW subcommittee at the International Maritime Organizational headquarters in London 2013-2019 during htw1, htw2, htw3, htw4 and htw5 subcommittee and, as a member of International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU), he had a positive participation in the IAMU general assembly during 2013-2019, and has built a strong network with other IAMU maritime universities ever since.

Mahmoud studied MSc Maritime Technical Operation and graduated from LJMU in 2006 with distinction.

As a maritime researcher, Mahmoud served as co-investigator and PIC for all technical aspects of the ILO, UK International project, (2020-2022, technical support to Maritime State Polytechnic of Indonesia (PoliMarin) in the development of the Diploma 4 study programme in Seafaring Engineering, Capacity Building for Teaching staff, and Enrichment of Student experience).

In the years 2021-2022 Mahmoud served as co-investigator of Euro-ZA project, which was Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of European Union.

Mahmoud has conducted extensive research on optimisation of fuel consumption of different types of diesel engines in order to adjust fuel timing with reference to the calorific value and specification of bunkered fuel oil. He has designed and taught a bespoke fuel management course for marine superintendents, as well as chief engineers, in relation to the adjustments of fuel timing / FQS of various diesel engines to match with fuel calorific value of bunkered fuel oil, resulting in saving of fuel oil and better emission control.

As an examiner (STCW-PMO) and member of the promotion committee of shipping companies, Mahmoud has ten years’ experience in setting up marine engineering exam papers (Engineering Knowledge General, Motor, and Ship Construction).

Further information

Mahmoud has sailed on various ocean-going unlimited ships as marine engineer and chief engineer, including general cargo, bulk carrier, container, and ro-ro passenger ships.

He has experience of five ships dry-docking in Singapore and South Korea.

He has also served as a training adviser to the classification societies, as well as ports and maritime organisations.

Taught courses

BEng (Hons) Yacht and Powercraft Design

Plot a course for your engineering skills - specialise in naval architecture for power- and sail-craft. Solent’s highly regarded degree is taught by experienced marine architects and designers.

BEng (Hons) Yacht Design and Production

Dream of designing race-winning yachts? This unique course, with an international reputation, has been designed alongside industry experts to deliver the skills you need.

HND Marine Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Build the foundations of a career as a marine electro-technical officer in the dynamic maritime industry - supported by a sponsoring company to become a certified Engineer Officer of the Watch.

FdEng Marine Engineering

Prepare for the exciting prospect of travelling the world in the Merchant Navy to become a marine engineer officer, delivered from the world-renowned Warsash Maritime School.

BEng (Hons) Marine Engineering

Benefit from a maritime cadetship programme (supported by a sponsoring company) to build your skills as engineering officer in renowned Warsash Maritime School with its industry-leading facilities.