Simple, smart advice to help students get better grades
Succeed@Solent is ten years old, and we thought it was time we gave it a new lease of life, completely rebuilding it from the ground up. Whereas the original version was a useful source of information for students, this revamped version is a much sleeker, more interactive and appealing site.
We wanted to create something that was easy to access and navigate, that gave students quick answers to the questions they might have about how to succeed at their learning, but that also was a rich site that might motivate them to explore topics further in their own time. In addition, we hope it’s something you could use with your students to support teaching and learning.
Taking a lead from all the best practices of online learning, the structure of Succeed is based around the learning journey, guiding students through the assignment process from understanding the brief all the way through to using tutor feedback. They can download resources, watch videos, get advice from other students, and practice with the help of exemplars.
A section on professional skills follows the same format, with an overview of the main principles and plenty of resources to dip into. As always, students can do as much or as little as they choose, and you might also like to recommend sections or activities to your students too.
We made the decision a few years ago to make Succeed@Solent an open-access site that doesn’t require a SOL login, and nothing has changed in that regard. We know it is used by students all around the world and we want it to continue to be as useful and as valued as possible.
All the best online-based resources are continually updated, and we will be working further on Succeed over the coming year. If there is anything we have missed out, then please let us know at In the meantime, please encourage your students to make use of this excellent resource, which will help them develop into independent, critical learners.