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Clearing 2024 is now open

Body composition

The BOD POD® is considered to be the “Practical Gold Standard” in body composition assessment. You will be provided with the following information after your assessment:

  • %Fat
  • % Fat free mass
  • Fat mass (kg)
  • Fat free mass (kg)
  • Estimated Resting Metabolic Rate (kcal)
  • Estimated Total Energy Expenditure (kcal)

Who is the assessment for?

The BOD POD® assessment is suitable for all individuals. We frequently test the general public who are interested in making a lifestyle change. We also test elite athletes who use the information to inform their diet and training.

What is involved?

During the assessment you will be asked to sit inside the BOD POD® for approximately three minutes. During this time the BOD POD® will take a number of volume measurements which it will use to calculate your body composition. You will not feel anything during the assessment and your results will be provided immediately after the assessment.  

What should I wear?

It is recommended that tight fitting clothing is worn during the test. Some examples can be found below:


  • Form-fitting Speedo®
  • Lycra swim suit
  • Tight fitting underwear
  • Cycling shorts (without padding)


  • Jogging leggings
  • Sports crop top
  • Swimming suit

You will also be asked to wear a swimming cap and if you do not have one, we will be able to provide you with one for the testing session. You will also be asked to remove jewellery, socks and glasses during the session.

How should I prepare for the session?

Please ensure that you do not eat within two hours of the testing session. It is also important that you do not exercise within 12 hours of the testing session as this can affect your results.

How long is a session?

Although the assessment will only take 5–10 minutes, we would advise that you allow 30 minutes for your visit to ensure we have time to discuss the results with you.

When can I book?

  • Monday to Thursday (9am-5pm)
  • Friday (10am-4pm)

How much does it cost?

  • £40
  • Group bookings: POA

Contact us

If you have any questions or would like to book sessions in the BOD POD®, get in touch.

Contact us