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‘Bean’ there, done that!

10th October 2016

Since graduating in 2009 Jack Bonnington (29) has been his own boss; animated Mr Bean; and is now working for motion design company Linetest TV  in Canada.

We caught up with the former BA (Hons) Animation student to find out how he got started, hear about his career highlights so far and share his top tips for getting work in such a fiercely competitive industry.

How did you get started?

The first step in my career was given to me by my course leader Adam Comiskey when I began renting desk space at his studio. This gave me hands-on experience working for real clients, and taught me how to manage my time and finances as a freelancer. I also gained a lot of experience using specific animation software which directly resulted in my next career opportunity.


What are your career highlights?

Working on the second series of Mr Bean the Animated Series stands out. It was such a privilege to work with some of best 2D animators in London. Continually meeting and working with new people is a really important aspect of working in the creative industries.

Where do you ultimately want to be within the industry?

I currently work for a motion design studio and my immediate goal is to be part of helping the team grow and create increasingly impressive work. Ultimately I would like to start my own studio.

What did you love most about your time at Solent?

One great thing about Solent is we had so much hands-on time with our tutors and associate lecturers. Access to resources was also excellent.

 What are the most important skills and knowledge you gained at Solent?

My course focused on animation principles and good storytelling. These skills will always remain relevant regardless of the project, medium, or software you end up using.


Top tips for getting work after graduation

Put yourself out there, make connections and always try to make a good impression; the majority of my work comes from personal referrals so building a good reputation is key. Also, follow your favourite studios on Twitter, attend their events and meet their team. It will make writing that prospective job application a lot easier!

Images: copyright Tiger Aspect Productions.