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Solent Unviersity Southampton logo

Clearing 2024 is now open



Our foundations

As we build on our students' and the University’s successes, we will seek further opportunities to grow and improve whilst remaining focused on creating a university that is sustainable and which fosters equal opportunities. To do this, we must maintain our financial resilience and ensure we are underpinned by a culture that will allow us to change, adapt and focus on the future. We will also ensure our work is informed by the keystones of our offering: our environmental sustainability, our partnerships and our place in the world.

Playing our part in tackling climate change is very important to us.

We recognise the fundamental importance of creating a sustainable future and are committed to the continual improvement of our environmental performance.

We will achieve this through both our academic work (ie, teaching, research and public engagement) and through our professional services especially our sustainable estate developments. Examples of the actions that we will take include minimising single-use plastic on campus, and new Biodiversity Action and Carbon Management plans.

We recognise the fundamental importance of creating a sustainable future.

We will be held to account on this commitment through dedicated targets while recognising that, over the life of this Strategy, we will need to continue to adapt our approach in light of best practice and new evidence.
