Our foundations
In developing this strategy, we have reflected on our strengths as a university. These provide the foundations on which we will build for the future.
All our endeavours are intrinsically founded in practice. Our teaching, research and collaborations bring real world experiences to provide rich opportunities. In this, we have always been, and are proud to continue to be, a practice-led university.
There can be no complacency, and it is important that we continue to develop our strengths while also pursuing new strategic opportunities.
Our strengths include:
Our excellent learning and teaching
Our teaching, assessment and feedback methods are excellent, as recognised in our triple gold Teaching Excellence Framework award. Our courses are centred in practice and infused with inclusive, real-world learning to prepare students for success in their chosen futures.
Our commitment to widening access and participation
Through our regional work, we continue to build strong partnerships with schools, colleges, communities and third sector organisations. Together, we are raising attainment and actively expanding and promoting study pathways.
Our exceptional levels of student support
Our academic and pastoral support is exceptional and ensures that our students thrive throughout their time with us. Whether our students need help with their studies, their finances, or starting their own business, we support our students to access the freedom to achieve.

Our dedication to impact-led research and innovation
All our research is embedded in practice. From raising awareness of the consequences of violence against women and girls to simulation models of the manoeuvrability of wind assisted cargo ships, impact is intrinsic to our approach. We work closely with partners to ensure our process and outcomes have relevance and significance.
Our outstanding staff
Our staff across all our campuses are the beating heart of Southampton Solent and our work is enriched by their diverse perspectives, willingness to collaborate and commitment to excellence. Through their hard work, we deliver exceptional education, student experience, research, innovation, knowledge exchange, and services.
Our engaged student community
Our students, wherever they choose to study a Southampton Solent University course, contribute to a rich and diverse community. Through the practice-led skills and values they develop, our students make waves across the world.
Our connection to our city region
Our work in creating economic and social benefits and promoting social justice for the communities we serve. We are enriching our city-region with creative talent, supporting start-ups and encouraging diversity. We are collaborating with partners to enhance our city and region’s reputation as a place to study, work, live, and thrive.