Measuring our success
By 2035, we aim to:
- increase our student population to reflect the diversity of our city-region.
- provide greater flexibility in the way we deliver education by introducing multiple entry points and a wider range of awards
- expand the range of qualifications to reflect the needs of our students and employers, creating recognition of learning for our multigenerational population
- ensure our educational offer is recognised as sector leading in key metrics such as National Student Survey, graduate outcomes data, and teaching excellence framework.
- expand our education portfolio globally, introducing our unique way of practice-led learning into new markets, both in the UK and overseas.

By 2035, we aim to:
- achieve global recognition for our world-leading practice-led research and innovative knowledge exchange
- cultivate a national and international reputation for the creation of entrepreneurial talent aligned with impactful research.
- increase partnership and non-regulated income for the University
- drive forward regional economic growth through co-creation activities with civic and industry partners
- redefine our physical campus to create multiple, interdisciplinary vibrant spaces that enable our communities to interact, engage, learn, and develop practice.

By 2035, we aim to:
- inspire graduates to be global citizens with a core set of transcultural skills
- increase our international partnerships, working in a wider global context, but also refreshing our European stakeholder engagement to achieve greater research and development funding and greater educational mobility between the UK and Europe
- expand global partnerships and alliances, ensuring the Solent practice-led, real-world, inclusive education model is accessible worldwide
- contribute to research and knowledge exchange activities that impact global sustainability as set out in the UN Sustainable Development Goals
- ensure our students benefit from global best practice in every aspect of their education
