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Clearing 2024 is now open

Dan Opila

Associate Lecturer

Department of Social Sciences and Nursing

Headshot of Dan Opila


Dan is a qualified and registered social worker (SW32310) and is a fellow associate lecturer (AFHEA PR059467) with a vast experience in both the public and private social care sector and social work education.

He joined Hampshire County Council in 2007 as a social work senior practitioner and practice educator until becoming a safeguarding, quality and governance consultant, and later managing Adults’ Health and Care Multiagency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) until 2022. The MASH aims to ensure effective, timely communication and information sharing, as well as collaborative working to identify and address risks. Hampshire County Council Adults’ Health and Care has always worked with other agencies such as the police, service providers and healthcare professionals, but the adult MASH enhanced that collaborative working culture to improve the outcomes for the service users and their families for the last six years.

Since April 2022, Dan has been appointed as a Named Professional for Adult Safeguarding and MCA for CNWL NHS Trust with responsibilities of heading safeguarding department. Within this role he is responsible for ensuring that all policies and procedures are in line with legal requirements, improving quality outcomes for the patients, while undertaking safe and holistic treatment and staff are adequately trained to provide safe and high-quality services. Working in partnership with local authorities, safeguarding adults boards, integrated care boards and other partner agencies is paramount. Moreover, the most important is to co-produce services with people with leaved experience to create accessible and responsive NHS services that suits community identified needs.

Dan has been involved in creating partnership working around subjects such as consulting safeguarding policy, service user’s involvement, self-neglecting behaviour and hoarding, working with young adults presenting complex risk and behaviours that challenge services, serious organised crime, domestic abuse and fire risk. He is a partner consultant for Local Government Association (LGA) and Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) involved in creating current safeguarding guidance, reporting safeguarding concerns threshold and eligibility criteria in accordance with The Care Act 2014 and Care and Support Statutory Guidance.

Further information

Dan was awarded a Diploma In Social Work in 1985 and Master of Social Work and Pedagogy degree in social work in 1997 by University of Zielona Gora, Poland (recognised by NARIC as BA (Hons) equivalent, ref: 1941612802).

He started working as a clinical social worker in the Mental Health Hospital, Lodz, Poland, and later on moved to manage the Community Support Centre for Children and Families in most deprived district of his home town. By introducing innovative project and therapeutic work with children and families, his Centre has been awarded by a minister of Social Care in 2001. Dan was also involved in charity organisations running local and international project aiming to develop local communities by local animation using community social work methods.

When he moved to Great Britain in 2004, he began working as a social worker in a private community based mental health hospital, creating a social work department and working closely with patients to improve their life experience and enable them to return to the community.

To gain wider experience, Dan moved to the local authority to utilise his skills as a safeguarding consultant, practice educator and managing a multiagency safeguarding hub as a safeguarding coordinator for Hampshire County Council. His recent role is to develop further safe and sufficient services within the NHS Trust in a central part of London.

Taught courses

BA (Hons) Social Work

Make a positive change and pursue a fulfilling career in social work: on this degree you will gain the knowledge and practical experience key to making a difference to the lives of vulnerable people.