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Clearing 2024 is now open

Nickie Butt
MPhil, BSc (Hons), SFHEA, CMILT

Course Leader

Warsash Maritime School

Nickie Butt, Course Leader


Nickie spent most of her childhood living overseas in the Middle East and Far East, joining the Merchant Navy at 16, sailing with BP Tankers and qualifying as a navigation officer. After leaving the sea she lived overseas again, in Papua New Guinea and Oman, working in a variety of shore-based shipping roles. On returning to the UK she returned to education and obtained a BSc (Hons) Marine Geography (First Class). Since joining the teaching staff at Solent University in 2005, she has completed an MPhil which investigated the effectiveness of Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas as a protective measure for the marine environment from shipping.

Nickie has extensive experience of curriculum review and development, quality frameworks and HE standards undertaking International Institutional reviews, programme validations and accreditations for maritime degrees and education both in the UK and overseas including, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Greece, Jamaica and the UAE.

Further information

Protection of the marine environment from the impact of shipping and sustainability of the shipping industry, encompassing vessel and port operations and their management. This entails straddling the wet and dry sides of the shipping world and accounting for the interests and views of the many stakeholders involved

She has undertaken research on behalf of the EU, European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO), WWF, OSPAR Commission and the Common Waddensea Secretariat, across a range of topics including protection of the marine environment from shipping, Accidents and flag state performance, Crewing strategies and safety on board ships and the role of females across the wider maritime industry. 

Taught courses

BSc (Hons) Maritime Business

If you’re looking for an exciting international career and playing a key part in global trade, Solent can offer you the vital skills needed for this fast-moving business environment.

MSc International Maritime Business

Keen to learn more about the business of maritime? With a rich blend of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, Solent’s International Maritime Business master’s programme...

BSc (Hons) Maritime Management Top-Up

Designed specifically for qualified seafarers, this course develops the business skills you need for a shore-side career. Study in Southampton – a major hub for the maritime and shipping industry.

MSc International Shipping and Logistics

Over 90 per cent of the world’s goods are transported by sea, making shipping and shipping logistics a vital part of world trade. Solent University’s international shipping and...

BSc (Hons) Shipping and Port Management

If you want to work in the exciting hub of ship operations, this specialised degree gives you a global perspective of managing business for international trade.