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The Board of Governors

Solent University is overseen by a Board of Governors which determines the strategic direction of the University.

Under the Education Reform Act of 1988, which created higher education corporations, the Board of Governors is generally responsible for looking after the public investment and the public interest at the University.

The Governors are charged with determining the educational character and mission of the University; overseeing its activities; monitoring effective and efficient use of resources; safeguarding the solvency and assets of the University; and approving annual estimates of income and expenditure. The Board is also responsible for appointing the head of the institution. These responsibilities are detailed in the Board of Governors Terms of Reference.

Makeup of the Board

There are normally 18 Governors, most of whom are voluntary independent members drawn from business – these bring a blend of commercial, professional and life experience. The others are internal members, including the Vice-Chancellor, staff and the President of the Students' Union.

If you are interested in joining the University's Board of Governors, you can find out more about the process and criteria for considering future appointments here.

Meet the Board of Governors

Register of interests

Functioning of the Board

The governing body has regard to the Committee of University Chairs (CUC) Higher Education Code of Governance in its governance arrangements, and has adopted the Statement of Primary Responsibilities contained within the Code (Appendix 1).

Section 5.13 of the Code states "HEIs must conduct a regular, full and robust review of governance effectiveness with some degree of independent input. This will provide assurance to internal and external stakeholders and allow a mechanism to focus on improvement and chart progress towards achieving any outstanding actions arising from the last effectiveness review. It is recommended this review takes place every three years".

Such a review was undertaken in 2022; a summary of the outcomes can be viewed here.

Solent's governing documents can be accessed in the Governors' Handbook.

Minutes of Board meetings

The Board meets four times a year, and the minutes of these meetings are publicly available below.